Can't Keep Pretending

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Shit. Keith knows he's late. And hates the fact that Lance is going to be proved right in roughly 5 minutes if he can't find the damn ballroom. It shouldn't be this hard, it's a big room! Shit he can make it. Keith picks up his pace, running now as sweat drips down his back, as he practically pushes some waitstaff out of his way through the narrow hallway. Maybe he should have gone the main route, but he knew he didn't have time to stand in line, nor did he have his invitation, no this was faster. He's sure. Finally, he sees the bright lights and hears music, he rushes into the room before the appointed time, just barely.

He breathes a sigh of relief. Hitting send on the text he had prewritten to Lance...<Sorry bud, I'm here>


<Damn, I owe you $10.  Sad emoji>

Keith glances around and sees his fellow Blades, Paladins and Garrison members mingling with various species in the large ballroom. He hates shindigs like these but he secretly admits that this is a great chance to see his friends, so he takes it in stride. He pauses and tries to act like he wasn't running for his life. Can't have Lance see him sweat!

Griffin sidles up, "So you make it in time or not?"

"Of course I made it. How's it going Griffin?"

"Damn, looks like I owe Lance $20. Oh, I'm good, good. So, um, how long you think you'll be in town?"


"Dude, just answer the question?" James mutters.


"Forget it, I'm going to walk the perimeter, or I mean the room, **under his breath maybe I can actually get Katie out on the dance floor this time**..anyways, have fun....if you even know how."

"Sure." Keith shakes his head, he knows they are fine now, but he can't bring himself to really like Griffin. No matter what everyone else says. And he really didn't like the idea of Griffin and Pidge in the same...anything. Now that he thinks of it, Pidge was trying to tell him that him and Griffin were alike, wth? Frowning, he shakes his head and starts to move deeper in the room, keeping to the edge and trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Eyes darting back and forth tagging everything, unconsciously looking for Pidge.

As Keith moves deeper in the large room he notices a strange odor, one he can't quite place. While he notices it immediately it doesn't alarm him, and he absently wonders if it was an alien scent he was picking up but as he looks around the room, he gradually starts to notice that some of the women in the room suddenly look flushed and uneasy. His thoughts again dart to Pidge, where the hell is she? What the hell is going on?

Some lady grabs onto his arm and looking somewhat flushed tries to get him on the dance floor. He shakes his head and gets out of her grasp. Was she drunk? What are they serving the guests? He quickly taps out a message on his communicator, "Guys, what's going on. Anyone else notice the strange odor? Can we all have ears in?"

He notices that Coran, Hunk and Lance are immediately online but no Shiro or Pidge. Shit. He doesn't question why it's suddenly imperative that he find Pidge, he just picks up his pace and wishes the room was smaller. Where would she be??

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the room, Pidge realizes she is starting to feel off, kinda weird. She pauses suddenly, listening to the voice in her head that often points to trouble, before said trouble blows up in her face, turning to the MFE pilots and Blades she was with, "Do you guys feel weird?"

Veronica laughs, "No, it's just you soooooo, in tune to Keith showing up! Lance mentioned that he bet Keith that he would be late, so you know he probably just arrived... just now-at the last minute, so Lance won't win." She starts to giggle and leans on Acxa a little more heavily.

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