You Knew

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Alternate Universe. Keith knows who Katie is. He's supposed to watch out for her while their brothers are on a top secret mission. He had no plan to talk to her much less fall for her. Until he did. (Just a quick diversion from my other stories cuz I can't focus!)

Keith lifts his head from the desk glancing at the clock. Only ten minutes in?!? The teacher is droning on and on. He questions why he even is here. Then he remembers, Shiro wants him to be an upstanding cadet. Whatever that means. He sighs and resigns himself to listening to these stupid lessons.

It would be different if they were teaching him something he doesn't already know. Absently he remembers that today he was supposed to be on the look out for his Shiro's crush's—sister. She's like some genius or something. He's sure she will be a bore. But, since Shiro and Matt are out on some super secret mission and Matt was really disappointed about missing her arrival, so Shiro volunteered him to help her out. Ugh.

Keith is sitting in the back of the class, when someone slams the door open. "Oops, I'm sorry, is this room 205?" Keith looks up and takes stock, it's essentially a tinier cuter version of Matt, so he knows this is the other Holt. But what he doesn't expect it the anticipation he suddenly feels. She's small, tiny. But her voice carried all the way to the back of the room, not yelling just clear and concise. He carefully observes, after all, he never said he'd be friends with her. Just that he'd watch over her.

She addresses the teacher calmly, explaining she's new. He can see a few guys look her over and quickly dismiss her, *eye roll*. Typical, if a girl isn't unbuttoning her coat or wearing a size too small, they ignore her. Which he guesses is fine he won't have to protect her from the other guys.

She goes to sit behind Hunk, who's a surprisingly nice guy. Whatever. He turns back to his book and tries to dismiss her from his mind. But as he goes up to turn his paper, he takes the long way around back to his seat so he can walk past her. He catches a whiff of her scent and it causes he a moment of pause. Why? Keith quickly returns to his seat more determined than ever to watch from a far.

Later in the day, all the cadets are in combat training. It's a huge gym and as they are placing them into units, he figures he will not see her at his level. After all, he's been training for years and there's no way that tiny girl can make the cut. But suddenly he hears her name-Pidge Gunderson. (She used a different name than her brother and dad to try and remain under the radar.) He pushes his way up to the front of the ring. She's facing off against Griffin. That dick.

He watches carefully hoping she doesn't get hurt. He can recall Shiro mentioning that she was wicked smart but this isn't academics. It's physical and she's definitely at a disadvantage fighting a bigger guy. But as the bell rings, he notices her confidence and calm.

Usually that attitude bodes well for the winner, now an unwilling observer, he gets even closer to the ring. Not conceit, no trash talking. Just, a weird wired energy that somehow he could feel from here. Griffin was talking shit (typical), but he wasn't getting emotional. He thinks he was trying to get her off her game, or even try to figure out what buttons pushed her. But no dice. Pidge remains calm and has a slight smirk on hr face. Abruptly Griffin makes his move, but Pidge moves with the flow and uses his own momentum against him. This happens repeatedly.

Keith can't help the smirk he knows he's sporting, and when Hunk yells, "Yeah, you got this!" He nods. Which is surprising because Hunk hardly makes a stand or picks a side. Usually he tries to hang isn't he background despite his size and he's nice to everyone. So he either hates Griffin or really likes Pidge. Hmmmmm.

Eventually the match ends in a tie, which means she will progress to the next round. Interesting. He didn't think Matt was that great of a fighter but she was all instinctive maneuvers. She did the best on defense and with some added assault moves she would be amazing.

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