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Wednesday April 20th: Rainboots/umbrellas-So it's late but ah well!

Keith was tired. After the drive they quickly checked into the hotel and went straight to the ball game. Which was great but it seemed like he was the only one who was tired. Now that they were back in the room, dressed for bed-suddenly Hunk realizes they have no water or snacks. Apparently he cannot go to sleep without the safety of extra drinks.

Keith had already changed into his sleep shorts and shirt so he didn't want to go anywhere. Unfortunately, Hunk was not of the same mind. After a lot of moaning and groaning, Shiro finally gave in, muttering, "Okay, I looked up a Walmart nearby, let's go. Quickly."

Hunk and Lance cheered.

Keith muttered, "Why are you so happy Lance? It's not like you really care."

"Well, this is an adventure, so YAY!"

Keith rolled his eyes, returning with, "Yeah, well, I'm not going so count me out." He continued to lounge on the bed as the others got re-dressed, messaged Matt and Katie and finally left.  With the sudden silence, Keith laid in bed, grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels. He heard his phone buzz but he didn't bother reaching for it. It was probably just another useless text from Lance. The guy sent way too many gifs. Although, he  absently thought he should remind them that Katie didn't drink cherry cola and to make sure to get some plain Coke.

After quickly using the bathroom while the room was free, he absently reached out and grabbed his phone checking the messages. Well, hell.

He hurriedly got up and ran to the door, opening it and looking out. There she was, damn it, didn't she know a  lone girl should not be wandering the hallways alone at night? He went out, jogging to catch up with her.  "Damn it Katie, why didn't you knock? Or wait for me? You don't just go wandering out at night by yourself!"

"Chill Keith. I'm a big girl and the Wi-Fi password isn't working. We paid for the room, and Wi-Fi is included. So they owe us! I need to collect my rewards on my games."

Keith groaned but didn't waste his breath arguing. He just followed. He knew that arguing with a genius didn't end well for him but he did absently wonder what games she played. At the front desk, she tapped the little bell, well, way too many times. It was honestly a little embarrassing. A harried desk clerk came forward and Katie explained that she was entitled to Wi-Fi. At this point, Keith was more than a little embarrassed and bored with the conversation so he wandered around the lobby pretending to look at brochures. Luckily, once she got the password figured out, they continued back to their room and Keith was trying to think if he could ask her to his room to talk but once again Katie went rogue. She got distracted by some lightning and stepped out into the patio. He followed because, well, how could he not?

He opened his mouth to ask what the hell but Katie grabbed her phone and started taking pictures. Oh. Well, shit. She looked adorable. Keith settled for standing close by, finally grabbing a seat on a random patio chair. He just let her do her thing and watched. She was totally absorbed in whatever, and he couldn't help but smile. She looked so serious and he was content to just let her be in her element. His mind started wandering, thinking about what lay ahead tomorrow as well as the upcoming ghost tour. He knew Shiro thought ghosts were just a lot of misunderstandings but he had a wider view. I mean hell, there could be ghosts. He wondered what Katie thought.

He was content until it started pouring. Fuck!

Keith instantly was on his feet and grabbed Katie, "God damn it girl, get away from the metal stands! Do you want to get electrocuted?"

He pulled her back inside trying hard not to stare at her shirt which was suddenly wet and see through. As they walked to the elevator, he resolutely ignored the squishing of his shoes and kept his eyes forward. So much for asking her to his room to talk. Thankfully she wasn't giving him any lip so as they waited for the elevator he kept his eyes forward.

Until he saw the asshole in his rain-boots and umbrella. Who was grinning and leering at Katie.

"Hi sweetness, I see you got caught up in the surprise rain-shower. Wanna compare notes?"

Keith's jaw clenched. He could see his eyes were on her see through shirt and he wanted nothing more to punch him but instead he stepped in front of her, pulling  Katie into his embrace, conveniently turning her so her back was now facing the dude. "Babe, c'mere, it's time for bed."

He tried to put as much menace into his voice and gaze as possible and luckily the elevator opened halting any conversation. The asshole got on the elevator with them and unfortunately was on their floor. Katie kept her mouth shut and he waited until the guy left the elevator first. As he walked in front of Katie, he realized, he didn't have a key. Well, hell.

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