Love Takes Time

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First meeting...

Pidge is 15 and sitting alone on the couch of a party she didn't want to be at. Of course, her friends promised they wouldn't leave her. Yet, Allura was whisked away by Lotor and Romelle was flirting with some senior football player that looked like a wall. His friends were too drunk and grabby and while she knew her brother was around her somewhere but she really didn't feel like trying to find him in this mess.

She didn't drink, she didn't smoke and as a cadet she could really get in trouble if she was even found to be here so she just hunkered down and hoped her friends drifted back to her. She couldn't even understand why they made her come if they were just going to abandon her upon arriving. Pidge sighed. She was getting a few looks from people that made her uncomfortable and now she felt self conscious in the outfit the girls had talked her into.

She had on a white tank with a camouflage green sweatshirt with strategic holes cut out of it, stretchy black leggings, combat boots and make up. She felt so pretty back at the dorm but now, she just felt self conscious. And stupid. And was annoyed that she let herself get pulled into a place she knew she didn't fit in at.

Unfortunately now that people were drinking, the party was overflowing to the room she was hiding out in. Some guy sat by her and asked if she wanted to make out. WTF?

"No, but I think she does." As the guy turns she quickly moves off the couch and opens the window to see a fire escape. She quickly climbs out and climbed up towards the roof. The place they are at is a little outside of the actual Garrison grounds so she wonders if she could see the stars. She makes her way to the roof and sits, pulling out her headphones and thumbing through her music playlists. Her friends can text her if they ever remember her. Annoyed, she quickly finds herself losing focus as she staries at the stars and absently tries to analyze the latest problem her robot prototype is giving her.

As lost in her imaginings as she is, she doesn't hear a sound until she feels a hand on her shoulder. She yelps and her headphones fall out of her ears. She looks up and sees a guy, much bigger than her. She tries to move away but he quickly grabs her, saying, "I found you! Now, for my prize."

Pidge is slowing realizing that coming out to the rooftop, all alone wasn't her best idea. She tries to tell him to stop but he won't listen. Instead, pushes her down and climbs above her. Now Pidge is starting to really panic and tries to use the basic self defense that she knows. Yelling at the guy the whole time. Fuck!

Meanwhile, Keith is making his way up the fire escape trying to get away from the crowd. He told Shiro that he didn't want to come but he called in a favor that he owed him telling him that he needed to interact with more people. Yeah right. Unfortunately Shiro got distracted by Adam and Matt as soon as they walked in the door. He questioned again why did Shiro care if he had friends?

As he made his way up the fire escape, he paused, was that yelling? He hesitated for a minute when he recognized it was yelling! He ran up the stairway and quickly saw a girl losing a battle against some big asshole. He yells out, "Hey, get a way from her!"

The big brute replies, "I found her, you find your own."

What did that even mean? Keith decides speed will be his best bet here, after all the guy is build like a tank. But as he's assaulting a girl, he must be drunk right? He runs and tackles the guy, knocking him off the girl. He quickly stands and maneuvers in front of the guy. He yells back to the girl, "Go! I got this, get out of here."

Then he gets punched by what feels like a freight train. Shit. He tries to move but the guy is faster than one would guess and that punch packed a lot. Suddenly he hears, "Duck!" He ducks and a steel pipe hits the guy straight across his chest. He wheezes and one more whack across his middle causes him to lurch to the edge and hurl.

Both he and the girl say at the same time..."Gross."

The girl holds the pipe up like a bat and looks to him, "Thanks for the assist."

To which Keith replies, "Well it was more like I hit a three pointer and you stole the ball and got a shot off."

She laughs and says, "Yeah sure, whatever. Pidge."

Keith introduces himself and asks, "Friend of yours?"

She shudders, "No, I was up here getting some air and he just..." sob.

Keith frowns, "Hey, are you okay?"

He pulls her arm, dragging her to the other end of the roof and they both hunker down. She's crying a little and Keith feels...uncomfortable.

He doesn't do support or involvement. But he just can't get himself to leave. So they both just end up staring in space and rather quickly she calms down. Keith mentions, hesitantly "I, um, can teach you self defense. Are you a cadet at the Garrison?"

"Yeah, to both. That would be helpful."

"Okay, let's meet tomorrow, gym, 9 pm. It's empty that late. But hey look, I'm not trying to"

"Hey, I know. Really. So thanks. Huh, that looks like a mothman reference on your shirt."

"Damn, you got that? Most people don't."

"Well if you believe that, let me fill you in on...."

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