Kidgemas Update 2

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Hi all!!!! Happy New Year!! I was on vacation with no internet access so this update is late. Hope everyone on is well and enjoy!

If you're vacation was a comedy of errors. IF you don't have time just skip down to the one shots!! Think Griswald level errors! Beginning with husband got sick with a nasty cold the day before Christmas Eve, having to get 4 people COVID tests the day after Christmas, to me having a horrible cough and being so scared they weren't going to let me on the damn boat! Then they cruise full booked all expeditions, they ran out of coke and beer! And unfortunately my son found ants in his top bunk so he refused to sleep in the damn bed. Try sleeping in a king bed with your hubs and teen son for a night! We also had to wait over an hour to get a cab from the boat and then when we got to Orlando (after the cruise) the hotel room wasn't ready and we had to wait for 3 hours!!! Then on our way back home, our flight got delayed 7 times or 2 and half hours later!!! Which caused us to land with 20 minutes to our connecting flight. This caused my fam of 4 to RUN through the airport to frantically make the flight home!! We made it, by literally last call 2 minutes!! We breathlessly congratulate ourselves and dude what a mistake!

So then, we land, and we find out our 2 luggage pieces did NOT make the plane, so it was coming on a later plane so it would be 2 hours later. No big right? We were going to go to our car and eat. Unfortunately it was freezing back home, and we had no coats or boots! So we get a shuttle ride to the car and the hubs runs to the car while we stay in the silly wind shelter. Then the hubs calls me and says the mini van won't start but he called to get a jump. Meanwhile the kids and I were freezing. Then the hubs asked for my son to go help him and my daughter and I had to go get our luggage.

We got back ON the shuttle to go back to the airport. Then when I got off the shuttle I slipped on the slush (I was wearing crocs) and fell full on the sidewalk! We finally go get our luggage only for the hubs to call and say the battery is completely dead and therefore would not start even with a jump. Sooooo, I called my mom to come pick me up LOL. Get some McDonalds cuz we hadn't eaten in so long. Get home and start washing. Kids take showers and tell me it was cold. Go look at the water heater, yeah didn't work! So I spent about a hour trying to get it to work...which I did get it.

Finally today the hubs and I go today with a new battery and they gave him a wrong one soooooo we had to go exchange things. Finally....the saga is over. If you read through all this, hope you got a 😂

December 26th Sunday: Sled

Keith looked at his friends who were rapidly resembling snowmen versus paladins. Snow clung to their clothing and their breath was clearly visible. Shiro had invited him to Earth for a vacation of skiing, sledding and other winter shenanigans. Or so it had been described to him.

While Keith had never tried either he found that he was a natural and doing much better than his friends. Perhaps his sense of balance was just that much better but nevertheless it was fact. Even after a full day, Hunk had yet to make it down an entire hill on his sled. Instead he tended to start strong only to then flip midway down any hill he tried. As always, Hunk took it all in stride, with a laugh and groan.

Surprisingly Lance was a natural at sledding but seeing Lance on skis was an entirely different situation. Shiro had already yelled at him twice like he was a silly kid because he laughed so much. Lance was definitely not feeling inclined to be patient anymore so he decided to walk away and let Matt and Shiro do their encouraging routine. His side hurt from laughing anyways and he already got a lot of video of Lance falling and yelling. He had great plans for that!

As Keith clomped around in the snow, he wondered where Pidge had disappeared to. His eyes scanned the slopes to no avail. Smiling, he thought, she skied like a pro and Keith was genuinely impressed by her agility and speed. She looked great on the slopes. In fact, he'd go as far as say she was a natural beauty. With the sun shining and her hair flowing behind her she looked simply adorable. Blinking, Keith shook his head, huh?

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