Happy (Belated) Birthday

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Shameless Kidge hurriedly written in time for Katie's bday! So of course I'm late, sorry for any misspellings and please leave me a comment 

Pidge was sitting on the edge of her bed, looking up at Romelle and Veronica and shook her head no. No freaking way. She was exhausted. She just finished a huge project for the Garrison at the literal bell. She's pulled a few all nighters in the last week and there was no way in hell she was going out. It was a Wednesday! The worst day of the week!! "NO! Seriously, the weekend, I could do a weekend. But not today. I'm sooo tired. Please, it is MY birthday."

Veronica sat on her bed next to her and slung her arm around her. "Katie, you're 21! It's a big day. C'mon legal drinks! Your family is on the Atlas and what? You're just gonna sit at home and sleep? Nope! We got plans, literally all night planned!"

Pidge shakes her head no, resolute in her answer and confident she can resist, until freaking Romelle. All teary eyed, standing in her doorway, chin quivering. "Please. I want to be part of your celebration into adulthood. I've heard so many stories...and we are your pack."

Veronica interjects, "Yeah pack! Cmon you have sick days. Sick days that I may or may not have had Ina hack into and already put in for. So whaddaya say? Party now and sleep tomorrow?"

Pidge closes her eyes. Fuck. She wasn't getting out of this. She opens them and says, "Dinner better be included!"

Veronica smiles, dropping some material on her lap? "Here's b-day present number 1. Your dress. Romelle picked it out and she's got dibs on doing your hair make up and hair."

After about an hour, the three girls were finally ready. Pidge looks in the mirror hardly recognizing herself. She isn't as pretty or as voluptuous as Romelle in her pink sequined halter top dress or cute and svelte as Veronica in her blue tank dress with a slit but she cleaned up well. She couldn't even argue with Romelle's choices in make up or hair. Dress, yes, okay, she looked kinda slutty. Her dress was tight, short and showed way too much skin. It was like a tube top with the back all open with a string crisscrossing her back. It ended practically just mid thigh which she can only be thankful that she is short otherwise it would have been right under her crotch! Surprisingly her boobs looked bigger than she imagined but she was still in shape! So while she felt uncomfortable she still had more on than Romelle. It was a emerald green and not exactly sequined but shiny. She hated the shoes. No lie, she is going to break her ankle but apparently she needed the shoes to make her legs look longer.

But her hair was tousled and messy which she liked. Kinda how cartoon girls wake up with their hair all wavy and messy but still cute. Definitely not like her on a real morning! Her make up, well, she looked like herself but with a filter. It was kinda weird honestly. Her lips looked wet? Her eyes looked big? Fuck! The dress really made her eyes look more green. She also something sprayed on any showing skin which made her look glowy.

Veronica hired a limo, which was waiting for them when they left. Ina, Nadia, Zethrid, Axca, and  Ezor were already there! Whoa! There were drinks in the limo and surprisingly she was having fun. There was music, drinks and lots of silliness!  Then they went to some neat spy themed restaurant that Acxa took way too seriously but in a good way. They ate and laughed a lot. At first she felt a little uncomfortable with how she was dressed but with all the girls looking hot, she kinda ended forgetting about what she was wearing. But then Veronica mentioned it was time to go to the club. Shit.

She didn't know how but Veronica must have paid the bouncers because they went in the club without waiting in line. It was dark, the music literally vibrated in her chest. They all went to the bar to do a birthday jello shot which she definitely liked. But then somehow it was announced that it was her birthday. Pidge felt her face heat and wanted to leave but then James and the other MFE pilots were there. He was a nice solid presence next to her. She was pretty surprised. "James, what are you doing here?!"

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