Kidgetober 2020

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Kidgetober 2020

So I wrote these for Kidgetober which is the first year I've done this. They basically are written for a prompt each day of October. I have posted these on AO3 but I figured I'd share here too. Hope you enjoy!

Week 1 Day 1 Open

Pidge groaned. She was feeling a lot of pressure but no biggie. She'd be fine once she finished updating this program. If she could just create this program to self adjust it would mean that when she needed a time out she could take it. That could prove to be crucial in the coming months, hell the coming year!

She thought she was pretty close but patience wasn't her strong suit so she needed to take a deep breath and review the code step by step. She heard her phone buzz but she was in the zone so it was easy to ignore. She kept working slowly double and triple checking her work. Damn, right about now she wished Hunk was around to give her a second opinion.

Sighing she stretched and groaned. Ugh, what time was it? Finally standing she twisted side to side and looked around for her phone or tablet. There it was. Uh oh. She sees various messages from Shiro and Lance. Even Hunk...Oh crap. Please tell me they didn't call for reinforcements. Please oh please.

Suddenly the door slams open. She looks up, oh shit. Shit shit shit! She tries to look like she was her flipping lab.

Keith is framed in the doorway -looking absolutely wrecked. "Katherine Holt!! I told you", finger pointing, "not to work too hard, eat and for all that's holy sleep. Yet, here you are days later and you didn't do anything I said! Did you think I was joking? That I wouldn't check?"

"Hehehe, so hey there, how was your mission? Were you able to get the supplies? How is your M"

"No, you aren't going to distract me?!" Keith replied crossly.

Pidge laughed, "Yeah, okay Blade." She started to walk over when she felt a pain unlike anything she had ever felt before. She staggered and would have fallen if Keith hadn't moved so quickly and caught her in his arms.

"Honey, what's going on? Tell me, what can I do?"

"Ugh, I think, I think it's time."

'WHAT?!? No! You have a few more weeks! Babe."

PIdge leans against Keith, "Sorry, but I really think it's time."

36 hours later...

Keith looks at his son in his arms. His son. He can't believe that he is a father and looking at his wife, he's overcome. He has never felt like this before. He was so scared and he hated feeling helpless.

Keith leans over and softly kisses her, his lips gently clinging to hers. "Katherine Holt Kogane, please, never ever scare me like that again. Please. I love you so much, I just can't, please, take care of yourself."

Pidge sighs, "I'm sorry. Really, I just thought I could do it and be fine. Babe, I'm sorry."

He smiles, "It's okay. Just so long you two are safe, that's all I need. Ever."

PIdge looks down, at the start of her little boys cries. "Hey Ryder, momma's got you."

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