I Love you. I'm completely and utterly in love with you.

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Prompt: "I love you. I'm completely and utterly in love with you. Please don't get married." Hope you enjoy!!!

Keith stalked into the hotel lobby - dirty, bloody and bruised. His body is aching and he knows that Cosmo got him as close to her as he could. As his eyes scanned the hotel lobby frantically looking for some sign of Pidge, he gave a passing thought to how shitty he looked. While he wished he was cleaned up, he just couldn't chance taking any more time. He was already scared he was too late.

NO!! Where the FUCK was she, he couldn't be too late! His heart was pounding so loudly he could barely think. As the blood pumped through his body, all that was going through his head was please, please, please. Don't let me be too late. Don't let me miss my chance.

Keith swiped his hand across his brow, where WAS she? He looked down at the crumpled invitation in his hand. He couldn't be too late! Please, please, please. Bending down, he whispers to Cosmo, "Pidge, we need to find Pidge." Unfortunately, Cosmo was not getting the urgency of the situation because he took to that moment to plop down and ...nap?!?

Never mind, he could do this on his own. Hell, Keith knew that his friendship with Pidge was special. He'd always known that. But after all these years, that friendship slowly evolved. Without him even being aware of it at first, it turned into his first real relationship. But he was away a lot with the humanitarian Blades so while he knew he felt strongly for her, he didn't want to ask her for a commitment. After all, it wasn't fair of him to ask that of her.

At least that was what he thought. But he didn't expect her to find someone else. He didn't expect her to move on like this. He was an idiot.

Keith ran down the halls, it said ballrooms were down this hall. She never mentioned dating or finding someone. Why? She never mentioned marrying someone! How could this happen? And why did no one else tell him? Was it a secret? Was she hiding some loser?!? He was slamming doors open as he went down the hall. Hell, he was on a mission. Please, please, please. Each slam was like a gut punch. Worse. What if he was too late? What if he didn't tell her???

The second to last door slammed open, and there she was. A vision in white. He yelled, "STOP!!! Katie Holt, STOP right now!!! I love you. I'm completely and utterly in love with you. Please, for the love of science, please don't get married!"

Katie turns around jaw dropping. "Keith?!? What!"

He runs into the ballroom heading straight towards her. It was like he had tunnel vision all he could see was her! "Katie, I should have told you sooner. I should have let you know. I love you so damn much. I, I can't let you go without letting you know. I'm sorry, I probably should let you go but I just, shit, I can't!"

He grabs her hand and pulls her close, absorbing the contact with his body. He knows he's getting her damn dress dirty but he doesn't care. He needs this, this moment. His hand tilts her chin gently and he kisses her. No hesitation, no doubt. If this is where it has to be then so be it. He didn't care who the guy was and kept his focus solely on her. His mouth tantalizes and owns hers. He needs her to realize that what he feels is true. And while he's not the best with words, he is a man of action. She knows this. She knows him!

He holds her close and worships her mouth with his, trying to put his feelings into actions. Please, please, please. Let this be enough. His tongue demands entrance and when her lips part he feels like he actually has a chance. He tangles his fingers in her hair at the nape of her neck and pulls her body closer. He hears a soft moan and feels her body relax further into his.

Then he hears a yell, "CUT!!! What is going on here?!?"

He slowly pulls back, looks into Pidge's eyes and she breathlessly responds to the question in his eyes, by stating, "I'm helping a designer friend out. She thought that a commercial with a paladin would help her sell her new line of wedding dresses."

Keith feels his face flush, and grins sheepishly. "Um, so, what is this?"

She looks down to the crumpled paper in his hand, smiling bemusedly, "It's essentially an ad. Did you not notice that the groom's name is Rover the Fourth?"

Keith slowly shakes his head. "Nope can't say that I did. You know me, act first and um, think later."

Pidge smiles, "Um, so, did you mean it?"

Keith stares into her eyes, "Yeah, I'm sorry I ruined your friend's ad. But I'm not sorry you know how I feel. Um, maybe we can talk after this?"

Pidge smiles and nods, "You know it."

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