Athlete and the Library

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Keith was failing his classes. He needed to pass so of course he figured the library was the place to be. After all, he's failing and he's never stepped foot in there so, library should be a game changer. He expected to study and maybe find some quiet. He didn't expect to find love.

Sorry I don't have a proofreader! Please let me know what you liked and didnt!! Any mistakes are all mine!!

Keith is an athlete, it's what he's good at, and he's accepted it. And right now, that's all he cares about, his focus is on being the best he can be. Getting out of this place. And a career in sports is his ticket out. With his dad gone and his mom always stationed somewhere fighting the good fight. Being military was great for her, she loved it and that was fine. But it didn't leave her a lot of time to worry about him. Keith for the most part raised himself and he knew he needed to get himself out. He didn't have the demeanor of military which meant finding another avenue out. School, sports...that was his ticket.

Once he got to college, for the most part, his teachers seem to be on board with not hassling him. If he didn't do an assignment, no problem. Take an extra day. Failed a test. No problem, why don't you retake it? His last two years here have be a cycle of this. Unfortunately, junior year... his science teacher didn't get the memo.

Mrs. Vaughn, said science teacher pulls him to the side, as he's leaving class. "Mr. Kogane, I'm sorry. You aren't passing this class. You might want to look into dropping. I don't think you are putting the necessary effort in and dropping it will save you from an F on your permanent record."

Keith frowns, "Can't I raise it? We are more than halfway through the semester. If I drop...I lose money and more importantly my scholarship. You gotta understand, I have to carry a full schedule."

His teacher, shakes her head and replied "Again, I don't think your grade is salvageable. Take my advice."

Keith feels his temper spike, "Yeah well I think it is. Don't worry about it. I'll raise it."

"Well, I have to tell your coach if you aren't going to pass. They expect it."

"I SAID I'LL PASS!" Keith yelled. He stomped off and went to practice. As he walks into the locker room, he notices it's empty. Shit, he's going to be late. Shiro, the captain, grabbed him as he walked on the field. "You're late, what happened? You're never late!"

Keith sighed, "I ...I'm fucked. My science professor just told me I can't pass. If I can't pass, I can't play, I lose my scholarship and...I'm done. Just done."

Shiro grabs his shoulder, turning him to face him, "Look, you can pass. I have a friend, he's like a genius or something. He can tutor you, what class is it? Fuck, never mind, coach is staring, let's run through the practice then go to the library and study. You can do this!"

After practice Keith was exhausted, sweaty and just wanted to go back to the dorm, shower and sleep. Unfortunately Shiro had other plans. "Look, I'm going to find my friend and get him to help you out. Text me your schedule and go to the library. Study for once."

Keith sighed but did as his captain said. He wasn't losing his momentum. He was determined when walked he walked into the library. Huh, the library surprisingly crowded even though it was late. He walked around trying to find a free space. Keith shakes his head what the hell?? Why were so many people here? Didn't they have dorms?

Finally he finds a nook, up on the top floor, it's quiet, kinda dark and as he sits, he is suddenly kicked by a foot. He jerks, tuning quickly, catching himself before the chair tips over.

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