April 20th TUES- Flying Kites/Picnic

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This one is focusing on picnic prompt. Hope you all are having a great day/night!

Pidge is looking around her kitchen, which is a mess. Like huge. Sighing she resigns to leaving it for now and hopes Allura doesn't get back before she does. She is one clean roommate and while Pidge doesn't mind because she keeps her from living like a pig...it also would make her late if she cleaned up now. Taking one last glance around the room, she sighs and hefts a picnic basket. At the door she grabs a backpack and locks the door. She's on a mission.

One hour later she's in her car outside of Keith's work. He's been putting in a lot of hours at the garage and she knows Shiro is worried about him. Apparently every year around the time of his dad's death he pushes his limits. In the past it may have been riding or sports but this year it's working at the garage. So she made arrangements with Kolivan his boss to pick him up and take him out.

Biting her nails she hopes she isn't over stepping. Matt and Shiro have been friends for the last four years and it's often left them to at first awkward acquaintances, to friends to whatever it was they currently were. It was more often then not they were paired up on outings because of their similar tastes, sense of humor and their introverted natures.

But, in the dark of the night, when she was trying to get sleep, she knew that wasn't all. In her deepest of hearts, she wished they could be more. But being realistic Pidge knew this was not in the cards for her. Shit, she's seen the girls who threw themselves at him. They were tall and pretty. The girls with long non frizzy hair who ate salads and shopped at boutiques.

Not small girls who could still eat off the kids menu even while a student in college. Who couldn't be bothered with makeup or shopping. Whatever, wiping her hands over her face she rubbed her eyes, after all, this wasn't a date. Just a friend taking care of another friend.

After all when Keith mentioned he'd never been on a picnic, she was rightly flabbergasted. So, it was no big deal for her to plan something like this. Just an outing. She even invited Matt and Shiro but it's the first full day of spring break and they both decided to catch a ball game. So it was going to be just the two of them. On a picnic.

Tapping her finger on the driving wheel, Pidge tried not to over think. What if he didn't want to come? What if he thought she was being weird? Shit. She embraced the steering wheel and regretted her impulsive actions.

BAMBAM!! "Ahhh!" Flinching she looked to her side to see Keith knocking the glass of her window. Shit how embarrassing, she literally screamed like a girl!

Keith grinned, "I'm so telling everyone that you got scared while sitting in the car. In broad daylight."

"Keeiiiitttthhhh! Don't be so mean!!" Fuck. "Never mind, look, you can do that. Totally. But if you proceed with that plan, I guess I'll have to call Lance to come and join me eat this amazing picnic I packed."

Keith's face froze for just one second. Then he repeated slowly, "Picnic?"

Sighing she nodded. "Yup, I cannot abide that you haven't been on one. Soooo," waving her hand to indicate the picnic in the back seat, "hungry??"

Keith smiled, like a real one and nodded. "I'm supposed to close. But, um maybe I can ask if I can leave early. It's not too busy anyway."

Kolivan stepped out of the shadows, "Keith, it's all been arranged your woman already called me and arranged your time off. Go clean up and you're free to go."

I could feel my face flush and I open to make the correction that I'm not Keith's when he grins and says, "Sure thing! Thanks, Kolivan. Pidge, let me clean up and change, I'll be out in ten." He tapped her nose, "I guess your secret is safe."

Pidge let's out a sigh, "Yeah go ahead, I've got no where to go."

Kolivan walks over and bends down, "Hello little one."

Blushing, I reply, "You know I'm actually not that short, you are just extremely tall."

Kolivan opened my door, "You look a little flushed are you too hot? How long have you been sitting in hot car?"

Flustered, I reply, "I dunno maybe 20-30 minutes?"

He reaches in and says, "I think you should step out, let me go get you a water."

I start to reply that I was fine but he already left. Oh well, I stand agains the car and sigh. I think I'm just embarrassed. But Keith didn't seem to notice so I need to try and just stay calm.

After a bit, Keith came jogging out with a water bottle. His hand brushed and felt my forehead. "Kolivan said you were hot, you feel okay? Drink."

I take the water bottle and drink. "Keith I'm good I promise."

Suddenly Keith is hugging me. "Pidge, I'm sorry. I'm know I'm overreacting but I, I don't, I couldn't handle if anything happened to you."

I hug him back tightly. "You don't need to worry, I'm fine. I should've opened a window or something."

Keith looked down at me and murmured, "You have no idea how important you are to me, do you?"

I stare blankly at him, blinking. "Um, Kei-"

His forehead touched mine, "Katie, let's go on our picnic."

I breathe out a yes only to hear Kolivan shout, "Don't let your girl drive, she should rest! Go to my cabin-that way she doesn't have to walk to far!"

I open my mouth only for Keith to reply, "You don't have to tell me how to take care of my girl! I got this and thanks for letting us use your cabin. C'mon Pidge, let's go."

As he maneuvers me to the passenger seat, he belts the seat belt. Holding my hand he squeezes, "So, any chance you would consider this our first official date?"

I blink. Then before you know it I'm hugging him tightly. "Yeah Keith, that works for me."

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