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October 16: Trouble

Saturday detention at 8 am was not a place Pidge typically found herself. In fact, for all the trouble she caused, she actually had never been issued detention. But drastic measures were needed if she wanted access to the school's main server. After some thought, she figured no one would notice if she disappeared for a little bit.

So far so good. It's been about 30 minutes and the teacher assigned this dismal duty was busy whispering into his phone and not even looking out toward the class. No one checked the school id so she just initialed next to the name that had none. She figured to lay low until 9 then planned to 'go to the restroom' and she was good. Feeling bored, she evaluated her classmates who weren't talented enough to not get caught. She saw a girl who was in her grade who she heard had got caught cheating on a Spanish test, then behind her was a guy who honestly was probably high. Then there were a few seniors who got in trouble for the senior prank. She didn't know what they were thinking pulling fire alarms in the middle of the day during passing periods when teachers were actually in the halls! It's like they didn't even try! Honestly, a little planning really goes a long way.

Feeling exhausted, she lowers her head to the desk, absently wondering why the heat wasn't on. If they were holding detention, at least, they could be warm. But for all she knows, this is part of the punishment. Smirking, she imagined the principal making this day as uncomfortable as possible. Closing her eyes she figured she could maybe nap until she got to work. She felt the air move and the scraping of a chair. The room was practically empty why would someone sit next to her?!

Determined to keep her eyes close and not engage, she tenses when she feels someone lean in close, warm breath on her ear, causing an involuntary shiver. Whispered words, "They warned me about you, I should have listened."

What the fuck? My eyes flash open to stare into Keith's laughing eyes.

October 17: Train

Self-defense class. Katie Holt was in a roomful of women, wives, and daughters, to train. Learn how to defend themselves they said. Matt said it would be fun. Her dad claimed it was for her own good. She nodded. She believed them. But really it was like a popularity contest. Sighing, looked around at the girls her age. They initially had everyone in one room, for one week. Then they split the group into groups and she was now stuck with a bunch of spoiled princesses.

Dressed in coordinating outfits, fancy shoes, and full-on hair and makeup. Who learned to fight all dolled up? Her brother was one of the 'teachers' and she could safely say he was not focused on teaching her how to punch or kick. Instead, he was too busy staring at Allura's chest, which honestly was pretty impressive. But again, NOT the purpose of today. At her groan, Matt finally looked at Katie. "What's up Pidgey?"

She pointed across the room. "Who's that?"

Matt slapped  her hand, "Don't point! Oh! Someone. You don't want to mess with it. I heard. That.."

Too late. She was already walking over. Yeah, that's who she wanted to teach her. The one guy in the room who wasn't busy staring at the bevy of beautiful women but instead was using the boxing bag. She thought his name might be ...

October 18: Horseback Riding

Keith grinned taking a deep breath of crisp country air. This was definitely different; the group decided to spend fall break at a ranch. Pidge joked that it was because Matt needed a boyfriend but honestly they all just were desperate for a break. From politics. From watching what they say. From having to be decorous and polite. Or maybe that was just him but honestly, Keith was actually happy this place had a no-tech rule.

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