Part 2 of Amnesia

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Pidge feels awful. Her whole body hurts. Her head hurts. Her ears. What happened? She searches her memory and it's like the information just keeps floating out of her reach. Black hole. She fights to open her eyes but ultimately she just can't. She tries to not panic, logic. Fight the panic, fight the fear, breathe. Patience yields focus. Logic...yes, logic is her friend. She just needs to be logical. Analyze, determine, discern, this feeling, be patient with herself. Okay, it feels like this is a bad dream she just can't wake up from. It feels like she's tried to before. Her body seems paralyzed like when you wake up but your body still thinks it's sleeping, man she hates that feeling. If it's a dream she just has to think good thoughts...wake up.'s like she's underwater? Trapped? Weighted down? She can vaguely hear voices, she thinks she hears her mom crying and Pidge frantically wants to get to her. Again she tries to open her eyes. But then she hears her dads voice, oh, it's ok he's got her. Somehow her will slips away again. Sleep, sleep is good, maybe she should just relax a little.

Wait, is that Matt telling her to get up, ugh she doesn't want to go to school. Everyone is so extra, why do people have to be so stupid?? She can afford to miss a day. She's got straight A's. Sleep, she just needs a little more sleep...I'm ok...

(Fading consciousness)

Shiro is whispering something about duty, focus, he's here for her. Fight. She can do this. He's so nice...she'll get up later. Lance is speaking in Spanish, man she wished she knew Spanish, wasn't he going to teach her?,, yes he is crying. Oh no, what's wrong?? She needs to help him. What can she do? Again she starts to want to get up but then she feels so much pain, she falters, it's too hard, it's just easier to drift off to sleep. They got quiet, later, she will do it later...

Allura is hugging her and saying she shouldn't be here. She needs to wake up. Ok, point taken. But where is here??? Wake up from what? Allura tells her to fight, she has so much more life to live yet. But, who is she fighting?  Allura, I thought you left? I really miss you! So does Lance and the whole team! Allura!!! I have so many questions, don't go! Let's both go back...don't leave me alone...alone...I'm scared, I'm all alone. I don't even know what I am scared of.

Warmth suddenly settles around her and she wants to nestle closer. Taking a deep breath, she recognizes that scent, yes, now I can finally, now I can relax. He's home. She moves her head and feels her lips brushing his neck.  So of course, she rolls closer, and entwines her legs with his. Trying to hold him but her limbs feel so heavy. He's so warm, safe, she's safe.

God she loves him and wishes he would take assignments closer to home. She drifts off to sleep knowing she's safe as long as he's near. Later she feels the room brighten and feels a happy reminder that she isn't alone. She tilts her head up and brushes her lips against his neck, softly kissing him. God she loves sleepy kisses. Loves his scent. Loves his arms around her. Love. Safe.

It actually is a standing joke between them at this point. Pidge wanting to cuddle, needing his warmth and kisses which is ironic because she typically is not so sappy! So, with her eyes closed she searches for his mouth, again. Here. Yes. She runs her fingers through his hair and brings him closer yet. She feels his morning response and arches into him. Hands roughly pull her hips closer and she wraps her legs around him tighter. God, how she missed him. This. He was gone so long and she just really needs to feel close to him, in every way. She's not used to going without anymore. It's funny, she never cared about dating or sex before but now that she has, well, she misses it when he leaves.

Wait, what the hell is that beeping?? She never has the alarm set to beep, always rock music! Gawd, that is annoying.  But then a hand, his hand, closes over her breast and she moans, arching into the hand...forgetting all about the alarm. Then abruptly she hears a door open and she hears her mom yell, "Katherine Holt!"

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