Kidgetober 13-15

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Bonus! Love you guys, hope you guys enjoy!! I love seeing comments :)

13 | Cursed=alternate universe-high school AU

Keith turns to Shiro, "I'm apparently cursed now."

Shiro groans, "Stop, whatever nonsense this is, just stop."

"But Shiro, I am. Why fight it? It is what it is, at this point.  I'm just accepting It."


"No seriously, I broke a mirror when I was working on my hog yesterday. The bike just fell and the mirror broke. Then I went outside to grab my lunch from the diner and I walked under this ladder, and finally today I realized I just need to accept bad luck is going to follow me around. Why fight it?"

Shiro sighs, "Keith, you know that you are over exaggerating right?"

Keith stands, "Shiro stop, your look on the bright side attitude is exhausting! I'm going to class where I'm no doubt going to fail this test. Which means I may not be able to play next week."

"Keith!" Shiro yells as Keith walks away, head down.

Later, Keith groans knowing he did not pass this test. He let his team down, his parents and himself. Shit, this fucking curse.

"Curse did you say?"

He looks to his left at the small petite girl right outside the door, who looks way too intrigued. Of course it would be Katherine Holt or as everyone called her Pidge. His best friend's best friend's little sister. Talk about high school being a small world.

He glances at her and keeps walking, with her quickly adjusting and almost running along side him.

"Look, I heard you muttering during class, basically all through the test and let's just say I'm intrigued. Do curses really existed? If they do, how can they be countered? How would one know if it was countered or just worn off? Do curses even wear off? How"

"Stop!" Keith turns and she's bumping right into him. Whoa. Instinctively grabbing her arms he stops her from falling. Looking down, he stares into her beautiful warm hazel eyes, recognizes her body soft where his is hard and takes a deep breath. Damn. She smelled like fresh air and dirt. Okay not dirt but outside?? Heavenly. Shaking his head, he releases her, stepping back.

"Um, hey, I don't know any of that. Why are you here? Following me?"

She looks up with some mischievous look on her face, "What? Didn't you know, beyond being a cryptographic phenomenon, I love looking into any mysterious thing. Just think of me as your own personal bodyguard."

Keith pauses, "What if bad luck rubs off on you?"

She smirks, again, "Well, let's find out."

Keith pauses, looking at her again. Looking beyond the cute eyes, the crooked smirk, and he saw someone who was...interesting. Hmmm, maybe this curse was just what he needed??

14 | Ritual

Ever since Keith had his blade he kept It on his person. It was always there a habit if you will. His hand always went to his blade, a ritual that he was ready for anything.

Yet, he got wind that Kolivan had a mission that he requested Pidge's help on. And he struggled with not arguing with the choice. Why wasn't he chosen as a member, why take PIdge?

As they were leaving, he walked up to Pidge, grabbed her and kissed her soundly, "Take this, be safe and come back to me."

Pidge, shaken, nodded and took his blade. Yes, she was coming back and they were having a discussion.

15 | Superstitions

Pidge wasn't one for superstitions. She was a girl of science. She believed in the natural order of things, proof versus the absurd idea that a connection exists between co-occurring, non-related events. Yeah right.

Yet, before her first official date with Keith...she well, a was a mess.

Matt was teasing her, her mom was trying to get her to change her clothes, and her dad was trying to convince her she shouldn't date 'right now'. Veronica told her not to kiss on the first date, Ina said that love is just a cocktail of hormones...which she believes to a point BUT it's freaking KEITH!! Hunk told her not to cook because, well they'd like to see the end of the date. And Lance, well he's still kinda quiet.

And that was what Pidge feared. Loving someone so much that if something happened to them, she'd never recover.

Hours later, she ended up blurting out her worst fear. "Keith, what If, "

Keith suddenly kissed her. And the world stopped...just for a moment.


Keith pushed his forehead to hers, "Katie, there Is no fear, nothing, that can keep me from you. Not now. Not now that I know you return all these...feelings I have for you. Because, this is it for me."

PIdge sighed. "Thanks, that's what I needed to hear, right now. I feel the same but I was a little, mind you, a little nervous. But, there is nothing that we cannot handle."

"Damn straight. Team forest fire."

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