Kidgemas 2020 Mistletoe 30

256 10 30

Sorry I'm a little late!

Christmas party ....  3 years post war

Shiro looked up, catching sight of Keith, smiling he loudly exclaims, "Keith! You made it!" He takes in Keith striding up to him with a shit eating grin and so many memories flash through his mind. Closing his eyes for just a moment and then when he reopens them Keith is there.

Keith nodds, calmly replying, "I told you I would. Have a little faith."

Shiro sighs, "Yeah, yeah, I do...but I wasn't sure if you could. Hell, you might get busy, emergency or just plain forgot. But damn, it's good to see you in person." He reaches over and hugs him tight. "Real good." Patting his back he enjoys this moment.

Keith smiles and looks around, "Impressive turnout. Seems like everyone is in the spirit." Taking in Shiro's lighted Christmas tree sweater, he arches a brow, "Especially you."

Shiro smiled, "Yeah, we did. Hell, with your arrival, we actually have all of us here. You know what that means, we have to get a family picture. I think the last one was from my wedding."

Keith arched a brow. "Yeah sure, if you want proof of your horrible taste in clothing," Shrugging, " I'm game. Definitely not arguing, so, um, where are the others?"

Matt slaps Keith on the back, hard, coming up from nowhere, sing-songing, "Ohhhhh, ho, ho, ho, do you mean my sister, fa la la la la!?"

Shiro and Matt laugh loudly and Keith rolls his eyes."Shut up guys, that doesn't even rhyme and more importantly someone might hear you."

Lance strolls up at that exact moment, "What are we talking about guys? Merry Christmas Keith." He claps Keith on the back before pulling him in for a full on hug.

Keith nods, "Merry Christmas, Lance, you're looking well."

"Damn dude, it's good to see you, no need to be so formal."

Shiro catches Lance's eye, asking directly, "Hey have you seen Pidge or Hunk?"

"Yep, Hunk is near the kitchen scoping out the chefs and what not. I personally think he's crazy for not enjoying a night off but you know him and food. And Pidge is over there." Arm wave and pointing to a corner, "From what I gathered or more accurately easedropped-from Veronica, Griffin had a plan to get her under under the mistletoe. So I'm sure operation Green is in effect."                              

Keith freezes and manages to wheeze out a "Huh?"

Hunk approaches, "Yeah apparently Ina told Shay that Griffin had feelings for Pidge. But, our Pidge was oblivious and didn't pick upon subtle hints. So I think Griffin planned on his big move tonight."

Keith started coughing and wheezing, finally getting out, "Does she like him?"

Both Hunk and Lance are now looking concerned, when Matt replies, "Why, what's it to you? Does her liking someone else make you blue?"

Lance started laughing, "What the hell man? Are you Dr. Seuss?" Laughing maniacally, he stutters out, "Man that rhymed!"

But then he catches sight of Keith's pale face and stops. "Keith, man, talk to us." Looking to Shiro, he asks "What the hell is going on?"

Shiro looks at Keith, "That's your truth to tell."

Everyone quiets, when Lance speaks again, "Keith, if you, um, like Pidge, please don't wait. Love is something that is worth whatever it is your are worried about risking. Take it from me-really. Don't wait."

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