Day 5-Moonlight

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Okay, we all agree late was fine-haha! Alternative AU different timeline and world

Keith was running. Blindly, quickly. He hated everyone. It's not like anyone really understood him. Ever. Why was he like this???  


Always. Everyone else had someone. A friend, parent, girlfriend, something. And what did he have??? He pushed himself even harder. He needed to get away. He needed something. It was dark. He thought he, he found some friends. But, he's not like them. He's weird. Different. What did he even expect???

Slowing down, he stumbled over some roots and hit the ground hard. He rolled to his back looking at the moon. Fuck! What was he thinking. Running off like a little kid, shit he's in the middle of some damn woods.

Honestly, he could not even blame them. He did not even understand himself, how could someone else accept him. Love him? One minute he was laughing and the next he was pissed. Yelling and causing a stir. Sitting up carefully, he groaned. Great, now he was covered in mud and his wrist hurt. Perfect ending to his night. How the hell could he go back. He must look so stupid.

He knew he shouldn't spend a whole weekend with Shiro's friends. He knew he'd only mess it up. And surprise, he did.

He stood slowly and walked for a while until he came up to a small lake. It was still warm so he figured he could rinse his hands in the water. He walked slowly, kneeling down, he carefully put his hands in the water, which felt warmer and nicer than he would have thought. Looking around and seeing no one, he impulsively decided to take a quick dip. Maybe swimming would take the edge off his anger. And hurt.

Quickly, he undressed and laid his clothes on the big rock near the shoreline. Quickly entering the water he sighed. It was a little weird to swim in the dark. He couldn't see anything other than the reflection of the moon on the water, and hear the waves lapping at the shore. Ignoring everything else, he started to swim at a pretty brisk pace but finally got tired and slowed.

At that point, Keith floated and looked around him. Regret. Embarrassment. God, he knew Lance was teasing him but it seems like he did more to him than anyone. He knew he was odd because he didn't know pop culture like most kids. He didn't have social media. Sighing he observed the shadows and the moonlight hitting the trees and mountains. Keith felt alone as usual, but a little more at peace too. Maybe he was too sensitive and too quick to anger. He vowed, he would try. Again. Try to control his temper and not just act impulsively. Shiro keeps telling him Patience yields focus or something like that. Which seems so lame but whatever. He felt tired so he just floated for a while and just looked up at the moon.

Figuring out by the position of the moon, he could tell it was pretty late, so he swam leisurely for the shore. Luckily he had a great sense of direction because it was going to take him a while to get back to the cabin. Finally hitting the beach he was trudging up to the shore enjoying the movement of the waves when he caught some movement out of his peripheral vision.

Huh? Was that a shadow or a person. He froze. What was that? When he water hit his waist he heard an awkward cough.

"Um, wait!!!! Keith, it's um-"

Keith froze. Katie? What was she doing here? Shit he was naked. He called out, "Hey, um. Pidge?"

Focusing on the direction her voice came from, he saw the shadow move, closer and closer. Katie, she was here. Why? "What are you doing here? It's not safe for you to be out here alone! Dammit there are wild animals in the woods-is anyone else with you? I thought Lance and you-" Shit. He didn't mean to say that!!!

She kept moving until he could see her clearly in the moonlight. She had on some shorts and a tank. Nothing special...yet, to him, she looked like heaven. She walked closer, she didn't have shoes on or socks. She was walking towards him, in the water! Finally she stopped. In the water a few feet way, the water was lapping her thighs and all Keith could think of was...he was naked. Naked. Face flushed he took an instinctive step back, only to slip on some moss beneath his feet, then a larger wave hit as and and he was falling into the water.

Quickly holding his breath, he tried to get up but of course at this point his legs had had enough and it seems the floor beneath his feet was covered in slimy moss! Scrambling, he felt a hand grab his bicep and pull him up. Sputtering, he looked into Katie's eyes. He froze. Half crouched so he was staring right into her concerned eyes.

She was beautiful. The light was hitting her face, illuminating her intelligent eyes and concerned expression. Keith froze. He wanted her so badly. She was smart, funny and sarcastic. She was intensely loyal and determined to do what she wanted. No matter the cost. Keith valued her, hell, if he was honest he probably was half in love with her. But he couldn't tell her that.

She was now almost chest deep in the water, for him? Why was she out here?

She pulled him closer now both hand on his arms, "Keith, you ok? Did you get a cramp?" He saw her peer downward and he instantly yelled, "No! I'm good I swear."

She nodded and let go of his arms but didn't move away. "You're fast. Way to fast for me to have caught up, but I am good at following so, I got her around the time you started your laps. I let the guys know you are okay." She waved back to where he assumed her phone was. Damn.

"Why, why did you follow me?"

"Dummy, I was worried. You can't let Lance get to you. He's annoying but he's really just teasing you because you always give him a response." She looked down, "I didn't want you to think you were alone. I know how it feels to be on the outside looking in." She took a deep breath, met my gaze head on and continued, "You're not alone anymore, kay."

Keith slowly stood, making sure he was still covered by the dark water from the waist down. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He was glad, but with this girl, he wanted more. He wanted it all. He nodded and felt his eyes fill with tears. He was luckier than he thought. He tried to choke down a sob but it was ages since he felt this cared for and suddenly the moved and threw her arms around him. She must have jumped because her arms were around his neck and her body was pressed against his. His arms reflexively held her and he tried not to break down. The roaring in his ears blocked everything for a few minutes.

And then he could hear her, whispering, "It's okay, it's okay. You've got me. I swear. I'm not going anywhere, kay." Just over and over. He felt his everything settle like her words were a weighted blanket on his very soul.

As he calmed down, he heard a yell. "YO! Are these your clothes on the beach? Are you hugging my sister while NAKED?!?"

Keith suddenly became very aware of that it looked like the whole group decided to follow up on Katie. Keeping his eyes closed he whispered, "They are going to kill me, aren't they."

She giggled, "I'll protect, besides I can't actually see anything. Maybe next time we do this alone though."

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