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Side note: today is my daughter's 18th birthday. Talk about reality just slapping you in the face! It doesn't seem like 18 years could pass by that quickly but it did! Anywho, thanks for supporting my writings!

Feb 9-"Now what do we do?"

The lab door suddenly slams open. "Katherine Holt! Did you just make a very public declaration on our resident Blade? Tell me you didn't replace me so quickly! I'm simply heartbroken." Lance follows this exclamation with fake tears and sobs.

Lance looks around the room and catches Pidge's gaze, grins and continues. "Because I have heard the most delicious, scandalous rumors. Two someone's were seen K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Hunk follows and gently closes the door. "Hi guys. I brought food." At that he raises his hands that had about three bags of what looked like take out. "Keith, it's so good to see you. Let's catch up."

He follows that up an award wave and places the food on the small island that is near what is essentially a small kitchen, off to the side of the lab. Hunk goes to work taking out containers, plates and plastic silverware. Lance goes to the beverage fridge in the island that has a ton of coke and waters grabbing a mix for them all. Keith takes note of the microwave and coffee maker as well as an assortment of candy. This looks like a pattern but what concerns Keith is the fact that one Katie Holt needs a keeper. What lab has a kitchen? He bets she has a cot or futon somewhere too. She has to take better care of herself!

As the foursome gather to eat, more teasing happens. Keith tries to keep up with Lance's nonsense and still answer Hunk's actual questions. Pidge has conveniently gone silent shoveling food in and nodding. Feeling frustrated, Keith raises a hand, "Can I just explain things uninterrupted? For five minutes?"

Keith quickly reviews the past hour with Lance never really shutting up. Hunk listens attentively while pushing food around his plate. At the conclusion of the story, Hunk sighs and looks to Pidge, concern and worry clears in his eyes. "You know, you could have told me. Honestly, why does no one on this team understand how true teams work?"

Pidge smiles, "Hunk, I know I could have told you. Believe me, I thought about it. But, "

The door slams opens to reveal a slightly disheveled Matt. "Wait Katie, I'd like to hear an answer to this as well. Shit you know dad would have thrown the asshole out or at the very least demoted him! More importantly, I want to know why didn't you tell me?!?" After taking a breath, he continued in a calmer voice, "You used to always tell me."

Pidge's heart sank. She hated that she hurt them by trying to handle things on their own. It's not the first time either. She hurt her mom. She hurt...shit. She looked at the hurt look on Matt's face to see Shiro nudging him through the door. He gently closed the door and walked over to her. Looking at Shiro, she instantly felt that guilt quadruple.

Both men come in and flank her. Pidge finds herself staring at the table, pushing condensation from her can around with her finger. As the table gets blurry she tries to take a calming breath. She knows that she messed this up but now she was at a loss at how to make them understand.

She takes a shuddery breath in and freezes. What can she say? How can she make them understand???

Her heart was pounding and she opened her hear Keith authoritatively say, "Look, what's done is done. The real questions what do we do?"

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