3 days of Kidgetober

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Little late, started running behind! Hope you enjoy!

October 9: Mirror

Hunk freezes. He haltingly got out, "D-i-i-idd, did anyone else see that? In the mirror!?"

Lance nods, blinking and rubbing his eyes he replied, "Yeah, it looked like a-"

"No, Hunk, nothing was there. It's all good."

"Pidgey, you didn't even look!" Lance whined and grabbed Pidge's arm, pulling her to a stop.

Sighing, Pidge looked up into Lance's concerned face. "What's up dude?"

"Pidgey, you gotta see! It's scary, it's like I saw a-"

"It's called a scrying or black mirror. It's not real it's like a mirage."

"No, no, no." Hunk grabbed her other arm and holding her tight. "It's scary!"

"Look, this is a myth. They sell them on Etsy for goodness sake! C'mon, oh hey, I know if I look in the mirror I'll see my future husband right? Let's see, hopefully I won't see a skull!"

Pidge walks up to the mirror and looks into the blackened mirror, "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who do you see after all? Show me my love, my soon to be suitor."

She laughs, "Just as I thought-" her voice abruptly fades.

Keith leans over her shoulder, "Um, what are we looking at? It's not a regular mirror at all."

Pidge blinked. Hunk laughed.

"Well, hell, Pidgey, I didn't know you and Keith were a thing!"

Both reply, loudly, "WE AREN'T!!!"

Deep laughter and then Shiro calmly states, "Maybe not but I didn't need a scrying mirror to say this was happening sometime soon."

October 10: Fairy

Keith was exhausted. He had been underground now for a while, he lost the team a while ago but he could not find his way out. He was so tired. Finally he just stopped and sat. Not one to give up he figured he'd just rest for a bit then try to find the team in a bit.

As he leaned into the wall, he blinked. Shit. Is...that? No. But, damn he thinks it's a twinkling light. Staring he honestly figured he was dehydrated and just seeing things. But the light kept moving and he then he started following. He walked for miles when he suddenly heard swearing. He picked up his pace and finally moved beyond the light.

His eyes had already adjusted to the lack of light when he recognized Pidge's voice. Now he was full out running. She sounded pissed. That meant she was more than likely hurt. Now he was moving so fast, the rocks were slipping under his feet. He shoulder bounced off the wall but he didn't even feel it. With no care, passed a huge opening in the rock and quickly scanned the room and finally focused on Pidge. She was on the bottom of a cavern that was quickly filling with water.

"KATIE!!!!!" His yell bounced off the walls, echoing throughout the cavern. Her eyes moved around frantically and finally found his shape. He quickly countered, "Hang on! I got you!!"

He slid his way down, splashing into the water, quickly maneuvering himself to her. He looked at her, "Hey shorty, looks like you need a lift-"

"You ass! I don't want any of these short jokes, I, ahhhhh!"

Keith quickly sobered up. "Hey, I'm sorry-I didn't know you were actually hurt? What do you need?" He grabbed her hand and held it, giving it a gentle squeeze.

She sighed, "My leg is stuck. Somehow water started filling the cavern and as I was moving to get the hell out of here, my foot slipped and now I'm stuck."

Keith nodded, and dove beneath the water. He saw where her foot was wedged and gently lifted the rock her foot was under and quickly rose up. He pulled her arm around his shoulder and started to move to higher ground.

Breathlessly, she complained, "I can swim, you don't need to-"

"Let me help, it beats me wandering around alone." At her affirmative nod, she questioned, "How the hell did you even find me?"

Keith looked up, "That light?"

Pidge looked up, "Shit, it that a fairy?"

"You mean like Tinkerbell?"

The light suddenly went out, "Or not. Next time let's not name our saviors."

He grinned, "You got it boss."

October 11: Spellbook

Pidge wasn't an ordinary witch. She didn't like nature. She didn't like gathering supplies for spells. She absolutely hated girl talk and writing. In fact, in her village of witches and warlocks, she was an outlier. She loved human technology and enjoyed tinkering with creating things from scratch versus spells.

Yet, here she found herself. Trying tweak a spell in an old spellbook that was uncovered on their annual family 'vacation'. Normally, she'd have hidden away in the tent pretending to be sick. Thereby avoiding looking incompetent. But, her brother brought his friend and his brother. His very angsty and cute brother. So Pidge was out in the forest, on this moon filled night, pretending to know what she was doing.

Trying to help her brother's friend and brother. Who were fabled hunters. Not an inexperienced caster. She as supposed to create a spell that would magically enhance their weapons. But she was having so much trouble that when she met Matt's eyes she wanted to cry. But she refused. She wouldn't cry in front of strangers. Instead, she implored her brother to leave with the other two boys so she could cry alone.

He finally picked up the hint and they moved on. Pidge sat and somehow refrained from screaming. Instead she laid on the ground and tried to center. Breathe. Slowly. Deliberately. With intention. As she calmed, she catalogued another presence. Opening her eyes she sat up cautiously. She'd been made fun of enough to times to be cautious.

Keith's gaze was somber, "Sorry. We should not have put you on the spot like that."

Pidge shakes her head once, "No, it's my fault. I should have been able to do it."

Keith grinned, "Yeah, no worries. I'm actually here to ask you what is this." He waves a notebook. Leaning forward, she sees it's here idea book.

"Oh, that's just some ideas for later. I just made a little robot so when an idea strikes, I jot it down for later. You know, for when I have time?"

Keith smirks, "Soooo, you're making your own spellbooks?"

Pidge shakes her head, "Oh no! Nothing like that!"

Keith moves closer, opening her book to the middle, "Yeah, cuz this looks amazing and I think it's better than anything I've ever seen out there!"

Hours later, Matt and Shiro find the two asleep, next to the two spellbooks.

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