Amnesia Part 3 What is real??

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Hi all, this is a part 3 due to requests! Hope it lives up to your expectations!!! If you like this please check out my other Kidge stories and leave a comment if you'd like to see something!! Seems it's all I write lol

Quick recap-Pidge was hurt and Keith arrives to an unconscious Pidge in a hospital. He cares about her a lot, falls asleep and she kisses him thinking they are married...really quick recap if you don't remember go to part 1 & 2. 

The doctor slowly responds, "As of now, we believe she has retained normal brain patterns and functions. We have seen no obvious signs of a serious brain injury however, with recent memory being gone, it is possible she will have to relearn some things. That said, she can talk, walk and has most major basic functions. We don't want to shock her so I was hoping that everyone would be amenable to fitting Katherine's view for now. Let's not challenge her yet. She still has some pretty serious injuries and I want her focus on getting physically well not being stressed. Again, I repeat, no stress!"

The doctor turned to Mr. and Mrs. Holt, asking to talk privately for a moment. Once the door closes I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I feel myself getting defensive and I try to calm myself because someone is going to say something. Sure enough, after a few seconds Lance stands up, stomps over and pushes my chair back from the table with his foot.

"What the hell man? Why does she think she's married to you?! Why not..."

I stand up quickly, causing my chair to topple back. Annoyed and suddenly very... curious why Lance would think Pidge wouldn't want to be married to me. "What! Why me? Why NOT me? What's wrong with her wanting to be married to me. You don't need to get every girl in our group to like you!"

Lance looked pissed and Keith was rapidly reaching his limit of self restraint. He was tired, hungry and worried. He just got off a planet full of destruction only to be faced with his girl being seriously injured. And now that he knows she was okay, he didn't have the patience for his crap. Yes, they weren't really married. But Keith didn't understand why Lance was so mad. They were only friends...

Weren't they??? Lance dating Pidge flashes before his eyes, Lance hugging her, making her laugh, kissing her which causes Keith's temper to spike. So he stands toe to toe with Lance and growls out, "Wanna tell me what's really the problem here? Are you interested?"

Surprisingly Lance stood his ground, going so far as to push forward into his space, "My problem right now is you. You aren't here. Wanna know who is? Me. We talk, hang out, I make sure she eats and sleeps. I remind her to take breaks. I give her rides, I help her when she's feeling down, hell I do her laundry! So wanna tell me why Pidge's extremely brilliant brain put you in that role? OF HUSBAND? If anyone should be in the role it's me!"

With each listed item, Lance pounds his chest, making Keith felt like Lance just punched him repeatedly. He absorbs the pain all of those words just caused without a wince and stands straighter, stating clearly and lowly, "Fuck if I know. I don't Lance. Honestly I don't. But, I'm here now. And I'm staying. So damned if you get rid of me."

Lance interrupts yelling, "Yeah but for how long?! You're gonna break her heart and I'm not having that. It'd be best if you just left now." Lance ended by actually pushing him hard.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his mom get up, but he immediately waved her off with a quick slashing motion of his hand. He didn't need her fighting his battles for him. Especially this one. Taking a deep breath, he tried to calmly say, "Look Lance, I'll be here as long as she needs me to. As long as she wants. That all the explanation I owe you. Deal with it."

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