Families Can Be Made

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So I was thinking that I've read stories about Pidge and Keith adopting a baby Galran and I was thinking that I could also see them adopting a teen. Cuz they are so badass, so here we go! This will probably be a few one shots when I have time. I'm just starting to feel better so hopefully I can go back to my actual stories. But I will be doing one shots as inspiration strikes!

Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!!!

Pidge is working in her lab, per her usual Wednesday routine when suddenly the door is slammed opened and Keith stalks in. "I can't do this! The cadets are idiots! It's like I'm teaching a bunch of"

Pidge started laughing, "What a bunch of you!?"

Keith arched a brow, "No, I was going to say a bunch of Lance's but maybe it's really a bunch of you!"

I smirked, "You'd be so lucky."

Keith rolled his eyes, "Okay, maybe it's not just one of anything but this group is trying my nerves. Maybe I'm not cut out for this, why did I think I could be a teacher? I have no patience! I"

Pidge finally stops typing to spin her chair around, curling her index finger, she motions for Keith to come closer. "Okay Mr, no, Commander Kogane, you do this every year. I can't do this...this is so hard...my students are idiots...blah, blah, blah. And every year, you adjust, you wing it, you get annoyed, yell and you connect. YOU, my love, are an amazing teacher!!! Really teaching doesn't even cover it because, you are MORE than that! You become their friend and mentor. But honestly, stop the fucking whining!" With that last statement she punches him in his solar plexus.

Keith huffs out a cough, then laughs, wrapping his arms tightly around his wife, "Shut up. You have no idea, you have interns who like to please you. Shit they live to make you smile! I have students who like to"

Giggling, Pidge interjects, "Challenge you. That's what you were going to say right? And if, I know my husband, and I do! He is going to have his students whipped into shape in no time!" Leaning up she nipped his lip, then pulled his head down for a better kiss, a deeper kiss, a kiss that after all these years still makes her giddy. 

Keith quickly settled in, pulling her closer and maneuvering her to the edge of the table, just as he was getting her maneuvered so she would lay down on the table, he heard an alarm. Sighing, he arched a brow.

She grinned, "The game is afoot!" Pushing him, she hops down off the table and runs to her data pad. "Someone made it past Drew's initial security system. That means we have a hacker! Oh boy! This is gonna be awesome! I wonder who it is...first year? Had to be...the other ones have never shown any interest."

As she starts mumbling and pulling up multiple screens, he queries,"Security system? What security system? Drew-our ten year old son-Drew? What the???"

"Now honey, Drew and I are essentially creating a system of security for our offices and a few other strategic places. No, no, don't give me that look! He needs practice and he needs to challenge himself. And let's be honest, while the school they attend is good...it's not Holt good. So I came up with this little game...and well we just got triggered." With a very gremlin and almost evil look on her face she rubbed her hands together.

Keith closes his eyes and sighs. Of course. The lab door again slams into the wall. "MOM!!!! We got someone!!! Did you see, did you see?!!"

Keith opens his eyes to see his son, looking WAY too happy, along with Matt, Hunk and ...there we go, Finn and Abbey pulling up the rear. Sighing, he knew they were in for the long haul. He stood up trying to adjust his pants and went to pick up his youngest at 6. "Abbey, hey precious girl! What are you guys doing here?" She at least wouldn't lie to him! He had to act quick before the others covered for her.

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