April 19th Monday-Spring Break

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Hi all, so this is my latest chapter. I skipped one free day which I will add to the end. Hope you enjoy and stay safe. Please let me know your thoughts!!

Keith was sitting on the front step of the dorm. He has about 30 minutes to wait but he's ready and getting nervous just sitting in his dorm. He's never been on a spring break trip before and if he's being completely honest with himself he's still not entirely sold that this is a good idea. In fact he's regretting it. After all, he doesn't do well with others. Or in the tight space of a car. With people he just started to get to know.

Shiro was smart though. He didn't give him a lot of details. Pack a bag he said. We are going out of town for spring break since we don't have any family in town. Where asked where to Shiro conveniently replied does it matter. Nope.

Until this morning's text.

<Be there @ 7 look for Matts van>

I quickly reply, <Matt??>

Shit, I know Shiro. When I see those dots and his not immediately replying that means he's trying to figure out how to word it. Fuck!

And so here I sit. Coming up with reasons why I cannot go.

I feel a shoulder bump. Blinking, I look up at Shiro. "Hey, this isn't going to work."

But Shiro's already guiding him to the van. "Keith, knew you'd be ready-let's go, we still gotta get Matt's sister. Lance and Hunk are already here but we dropped Katie at the store for shopping because she took control of the budget. She said Hunk doesn't know how to restrain himself in a grocery store."

Hunk slides the door open, "I resent that!! I can stay on a budget!! But we need to cover so many different palates and –"

Lance interrupts, "Keith."

Keith sighs, shit. This is another strike in the negative column. For some reason, Lance has had an issue with him and it was annoying. Shiro throws his bag in the truck area and pushes him towards the inside of the van. Hunk steps out, "Hey man, can you sit in the back. I get motion sick and the back is way bumpier, especially with Matt's driving."

Matt interjects, "I'm a good driver!"

Shiro laughs, "Yeah ok Rain Man."

Matt flips him off and then yells, "Get in! Time to go-SPRING BREAK BABY!"

Keith sighs as Shiro places his seat belt on. Whatever, he's here already and Shiro already took his bag. It's only a week.

Climbing into the back, Keith sits and notices it's a full bench with the middle having two captain seats. It's pretty nice with the tv and leather seats. He knows Matt gets shit for driving a mini van but it's actually nice. They must have done some upgrades because LED lights lined the ceiling and Matt peels out causing Shiro to yelp and review the rules of the road. Again.

As they pull up to the grocery store, Keith can see Pidge standing with a few bags at her feet. Next to her is Lotor. Fucking asshole.

Lance yelps. "What is he doing sniffing around Pidge? The guy is a total douche!"

Matt pulls up the wrong way so he's right next to Pidge and rolls his window down. "Pidge we are leaving-let's go." He was giving Lotor a dirty look which he was ignoring quite well since his eyes were completely focused on Pidge.

Keith felt himself tense up. He didn't like how close the guy was standing to her. He kicked Hunk's seat, saying, "Don't you want to see what she bought?"

Hunk hopped out and started grabbing for the bags. Keith watched as Lotor looked dismissively at Hunk and turned back to Pidge, moving away from Hunk. "Katie, come now, why won't you tell me why you are going for spring break? You know, you could still come with me, the offer still stands." He links their fingers and I frown. What the hell is going on? Looking at the other guys in the car, I'm not the only one in the dark.

Lance lunged out of the van practically knocking Pidge and Hunk over. "Go get your own girl, she's ours." He latched onto her arm and spun her to the car. She wiggled her fingers at Lotor and got in the van.

Keith nodded. Then his gaze met Shiro's and he felt his face get hot. Just then Pidge jostled him and sat down in the middle. "Hey Kogane, Shiro didn't say you were coming! Welcome to the crazy train."

Keith chuckled then laughed louder when Lance yelled and threw a candy bar at her. He quickly grabbed it and everyone settled in. As everyone settled in Keith asked Pidge, "Do you know where we are going?"

Pidge shook her head, "Nope but it better be someplace with air conditioning!"

Keith nodded, "So, um, Lotor?  He asked you to go somewhere with him?" Keith felt like he was prying but he couldn't help himself. He wouldn't take the words back. He...needed to know.

"Eh, he said he was going to some country club thing, kinda like the Dirty Dancing place. You know where rich people go and spend summers doing arts and crafts. I don't know why he thought I'd want to go with him and his friends. Acxa is pretty cool but Zethrid can be a bit much. I don't really know Ezor but we were partners in a lab so since there he's been friendly."

Keith was trying to think if he ever saw Dirty Dancing but he he couldn't place it. Pidge poked him, "Okay I think I'm just going to make a list of movies we need to show you." She whips out her phone and starts a new note in her phone. Keith rolls his eyes and sits back..

"Whatever." But deep down, he was happy. If she made a list, that meant she would follow through. And they'd spend some time together. Shit why'd he think of that?

Keith closed his eyes and leaned his head back. After a while, he felt himself get drowsy. Until he heard giggles. Fighting to open his eyes, he blinked slowly bringing the world into focus. Only to feel pressure on his shoulder. Pidge must have moved in her sleep. She leaned her head against his shoulder and he had maneuvered his back against the side of the van. She her weight was completely on him. He smiled and then her heard another click. Eyes flashing up, Matt must have taken another picture because Matt and Shiro were now in the middle and Lance and Hunk were driving. Oh shit.

Matt grinned, "You're lucky I approve and want my sister happy and not with some  prematuring graying asshole. Plus, I hacked her phone and I can say you are definitely in the lead based on pictures."

Keith rolled his eyes but didn't move. There was nothing wrong with letting her sleep. Maybe this spring break was exactly what he needed.

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