April 26th Ivy-friendship, fidelity, marriage

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Here's my late story! Yesterday was a crazy day so hopefully thing quiet down and I can get some stories cranked out

She's late. Again.

She also forgot to pick up the coffee creamer. Damn. Pulling into the drive she hears yelling from inside their small house. Lots of yelling. Oh no! Rushing in she sees... chaos. Frantically she calls out, "Keith!! KEITH! Where are you? What's going on?"

Keith runs out-"Babe! Uh, I can explain!"

As Pidge makes her way towards the kitchen, she slowly processes the chaos. It looks worse than that one time she thought she could make rocket fuel at home. She sees Drew with a KNIFE?!? "Drew! Put the knife down. You don't just walk around with a knife!"

"But mom! I got a important job! I'm the so chef!"

"Hon, its sous chef and Keith?!"

Keith sighs, "Just trust me. Close your eyes." Then raising his voice he calls out, "Kids! It's time."

Pidge looks at him, frowning. Closing her eyes she feels little hands grab hers and pull her outside to the yard all the while shouting directions.


"Don't hit the-oops, mommy you hit the chair."

With a sharp intake of breath, she absorbs the pain in her thigh from hitting what must be a chair. Then she hears the scrape of a chair and Drew says, "Mom, sit back, carefully."

With that, Abbey counts, "1-2-3''

Then all four yells. "Appy Annerverisary MOMMY!" "Happy Annivesary!" "Happy Anniversary Katie!"

Pidge opens her eyes to see a her favorite meal of chicken fettuccine alfredo on the fancy plates along with wine, French bread and candles set out. They even put water in a fancy bottle with pulled out the cloth napkins! And for some reason there was a rocket with a big heart painted on the side along the back wall of ivy. She blinks. Well. Smiling she can feel her eyes watering.

Looking up at Keith, she arches a brow, "I thought we were going out to dinner Saturday for our anniversary?"

Keith looks adorably flustered. The kids are bouncing around and so slightly red faced he replies, "Yeah, we are. But the kids wanted to be part of the celebration so I thought this was a good way for us all to celebrate." Bending down he kisses her and whispers, "Happy Anniversary my love."

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