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Feb 13 –"You're dangerous, you know that?"

An hour later, Hunk, Lance and Veronica were also in Pidge's tiny apartment. Veronica looked way too happy to be called in on this. Matt had easily taken the lead because he was so hyped up. Unfortunately his ideas would cause a few of us to go to jail. Luckily, Shiro talked him out of telling the Holt parents but there were a lot of arguing.

Katie felt pretty overwhelmed so she took a much needed break and walked into the kitchen for snacks. She suddenly felt super tired and abruptly sat at the kitchen table. Fuck. How did she miss the psycho tendencies? She was not attracted him but she didn't hate him. She thought he was an okay guy she just was not attracted to him. She's smart. She has good instincts. So how did she fail so badly.

Shiro walked in and sat across from her. "Don't get stuck in your head kiddo. I can see you overthinking."

"I know. I just don't know how I didn't see that. What else have I missed?"

Shiro chuckled, "Oh you've missed something big but I don't want to ruin the surprise."

Keith walked in the room, "Shiro I love you but shut up."

Katie looked up, "What's the plan?"

"Well, your brother has a million devious plans but I'm thinking I'll just find him  I'm very convincing. After that, nothing more is necessary."

Pidge shakes her head, "You're dangerous, you know that?"

Feb 14-"I'm done waiting."

Keith was waiting inside Todd's apartment. Sitting with a pile of pictures of Pidge at his feet. It pissed him off seeing so many pictures of her, caught unaware. He hated knowing he wasn't around and this is what happened. Fist clenched, he vowed, never again.

Cosmo stood suddenly. Keith's eyes sharpened. This was it. The door opened and in walked the asshole. Keith waited for him to close the door. "Finally, it's about time you got here. I'm done waiting."

Todd took a step back but rapidly froze when he heard a menacing growl. Cosmo had moved forward and his hackles were raised. Keith took a deep breath and stood. "Sit."

When the man hesitated, Keith stood. "Now."

Todd quickly nodded and took a wide berth around Cosmo to sit on a kitchen chair. As far away from Keith as he could possibly get while still seeing him.

Keith continued, "I'm going to say this once. You are to have zero contact with Katie. From now until you die. Just step out of line once, and I will be sure your death is quick and painful. Her brother as well as our friends know what you did. And if you do anything even remotely like this again, dead."

Todd interjects, "I do not-"

"Stop. I'm not playing. Matt has done his part, and you will be monitored. He makes a call, and well, you're done."

"You broke into my house you-"

With a few steps Keith grabbed his neck, pulling him up. Cosmo instantly came over and poofed them to a cliff, where Keith shook Todd once for maximum effect. "Like I said, I'm not playing. I did not break into your house, Katie is NOT your girl and you will die. Am I clear?"

Todd started crying and Keith refrained from throwing him off the cliff. Shaking him once more, he moved him closer to the edge, letting him feel the dirt give way under his feet. Letting him feel and hear the wind how. Nodding to Cosmo, they poofed back into the crappy apartment.

He and Cosmo walked towards the door with Cosmo giving one more menacing growl. Keith walked through he door and right before he softly closed it, he continued, "I'm not joking. Ask around. You will not be found. Nor missed."

Keith closed the door and focused on part 2 of his plan. This was the tough part.

He looked at the mess in the kitchen and absently thought, luckily Pidge is never on time. He rushed around, trying to put the food on the plates and tried to see if he had time to change. Looking at the stains on his shirt, he figured he had to.

As he emerged out of the bathroom, he heard the door slam. He quickly stood by the table and hoped he got it all right. Flowers-check. Music-done. Candles-lit.

As Pidge walked in, she froze. "Hey. Please sit."

Pidge awkwardly sits and looks around the room. Keith personally thought the flower petals on the ground were weird but what did he know about romance. Regardless he'd pick the mess up later.

"So, I know we don't have to fake date anymore. Which is great. Because that means that we can really date, if you want. Which I hope you do. Because, I don't want to be like Todd and be creepy, which if you do not have feelings for me, well, this is definitely that!"

Keith waits for her response, holding his breath and praying.

He starts to breathe again at her response. "Keith, this is so not creepy....I guess that means we are dating?" She started out so confidently but ended hesitantly.

Cosmo poofed in and he grinned, "Dating. Exclusively. Yeah, that works for me. Happy Valentine's Day!"

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