Kidge Week 2022

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Hiiiiiii!!!! So Kidge Week is upon us and I'll be positing hopefully daily for a week! But despite these great goals, honestly who knows! I recently had a planned surgery, but then got hit with an unexpected need for another surgery! So my energy and such has been...unreliable. So thanks for reading!!

Kidge Week 2022, April 15th -April 22nd

Friday April 15th: Late Nights

Keith was brushing his teeth because he knew should go to bed soon. As he spit and rinsed he told himself, it was the smart thing to do. He carefully checked his alarm was set. Then he rummaged and got out his clothes for tomorrow and made sure the door was locked. Absently, he reminded himself that this was actually true to his own schedule and routine. Bed at 11 pm. Wake at 6 am. Morning run, class, work, gym, bed-repeat. More importantly it's what he swore he would hold himself to when he found himself dragging ass this morning and almost skipping his run.

While spring break was almost within grasp, he still had to attend class this week, turn in a final project and take a two finals. So he made a plan. He was committed to the plan. No more late nights. No more gaming. Routine might be boring but it was a routine for a reason. It had to be. Patience yields focus. And he was not going to prove his enemies right He was resolute. Plus, he was the type of guy who liked structure. When he had a plan, he stuck to it. Without hesitation.

That is until bedtime arrived. Then he found his resolve tested. Keith laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. He tried to slow his breathing and relax. Empty his mind. Close his eyes. Minutes later he found his fists clenched and his muscles tight. He groaned.

Since when did his clock tick so loud?

He threw his pillow across the room at the wall. Okay, no pillow. He didn't need a pillow, he would just lay flat. Sighing he tried to find a cool spot on the bed. His foot started shaking, back and forth. He absently wondered if he became an insomniac. No, no-he could sleep. He would! He stayed still and found himself staring at the wall. He closed his eyes again and deliberately wiped his mind. Shiro taught him how to mediate, he would put his mind at rest.

Rolling over and off the bed, he dove straight to his computer, flinging himself in his computer chair and quickly logged in. Fuck it. Who needs sleep when spring break is right around the corner?!?  He could go without sleep. Honestly, it wouldn't be the first time.

Because, if he went to bed, then he wouldn't get to play with 'Greenie'. And after the last few months, of late night quests and banter, he found he just could not pass up even one night, one chance to interact with them. It's been almost four months since that first night.

And he was hooked. He found himself counting the minutes until they were on. He looked forward to these conversations more than anything else he had going on in his life right now. Feeling suddenly warmth, he looked down to see Cosmo, curled around his feet, already snoring. Smiling slightly, he quickly entered their private chat and cracked his neck. Nodding, he thought, yeah, he was doing this. Who needs sleep anyways?!

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