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Late but whatever LOL. Enjoy!

October 12: Poison

Keith needed to lie better. He was only here because his mom got sick and asked for him to fill in for her. That in itself was weird but he heard that it was some kind of bug that was going around the Blades. It was the only reason he was here. There was literally no one else available. And of course, he had no real plans according to his mom. Apparently, training and sleeping did not count as 'plans'. Add in that he had a space dog that could get him to say location quickly... nail in the coffin.

That's how he got here, sitting alone at a table in the grand ballroom. Dressed in his fancy uniform and hair neatly tied back. Bored out of his damn mind. Sighing he tuned out the noise around him, the music, and the endless chatter. He was busy tapping his fingers when another waiter stopped by offering chocolateS. They kept coming by so he finally grabbed one. "Thanks." He nodded at the guy who was just staring at him. He finally arched a brow and the waiter left.

Finally, the guy left so he dropped it onto his plate. It was irritating how they kept pushing the sweets. He didn't even like them but they kept offering them to him since he arrived. He had been hiding them in his pockets and he eventually dumped them in the pond yesterday. But today, he had them on his bed, desk, and strangely enough in the bathroom. He thought it was weird, so he flushed them. He didn't like the texture of the chocolate and he felt uncomfortable saying he didn't like it or asking to stop. So he just hid them.

He felt a little like a fraud but what was he gonna do? If he left them around, Cosmo would eat them so had to get rid of them. Cosmo ate everything but he had heard that dogs cannot eat chocolate so he did not want to take any risks. But it was getting annoying. And now, they must think he liked them or maybe they were really popular on this planet. Like a delicacy.

He heard a voice, Shiro? Turning back to the table, there he was! Shiro was grinning at him. "Look who finally made it to the big boys' table!"

Laughing he fist-bumped him only to hear, "No, no, he didn't mean you, he meant me!"

Lance plopped in the chair next to him, playfully hitting his knee. Keith laughed, "What are you guys doing here? No one said you would be here!"

Lance grinned, "Yeah, well, a certain commander said you were in the neighborhood, so here we are."

Keith finally felt himself relax. This was suddenly doable. He hadn't seen everyone in ages. He opened his mouth to inquire about the rest of the team when suddenly a waitress was bowing, offering him another candy. "Oh no, I already..." He looked down, what the hell? Where was the candy? He had one on his plate.

Frowning he felt a weight on his side. And a small voice sweetly stated, "Yes, thank you! He loves them!! Please bring him another. Thanks!"

Keith huffed a laugh, and whispered, "Oh really, I love them? I think a certain little paladin likes them!"

Pidge laughed, "Guilty!"

The waitress holds out a tray and he grabs one, "Thanks." He waits until she leaves before offering it to Pidge who promptly pops it in her mouth. He found himself staring. At her mouth. Which was way more shiny and plump than he remembered. He watched as she moaned and he felt his pants tighten. Then her tongue swiped and his breath got caught in his throat resulting in him coughing. He had to look away before he embarrassed himself anymore.

The night passes quickly. Before long, Hunk and Shay arrived. With all of them at the table, he was able to relax and dinner was actually fun. He caught up with everyone and there was a lot of laughter and joking. Then the after-dinner speeches were made which was so much more fun with Pidge's sarcastic comments when the music finally started. Dancing. He felt himself glance at Pidge. She looked amazing. She was in a dress, that seemed to flutter at her every movement, catching his eye more than not. He wanted to ask her to dance but he was nervous.

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