Love Takes Time Part 2

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Hi all, hope you like this part...any misspellings are all me and please send any thoughts or comments. I love constructive feedback or ideas but please be kind!

One year later...

Keith and Pidge are sparring in the gym late one night. Keith is absurdly proud of how much she has learned in one short year. She is quick, agile and focused. And what she lacks in size and strength she more than makes up in speed and strategic thinking. Not that this is any way a reflection of himself but he can't help but realize how far she is going to go. He hopes to be a part of her future but there's something that has been bugging him. And rather than just react he is hesitant.

Keith isn't used to talking about how he feels. Especially with girls. Or friends for that matter. So, distracted, Pidge manages to knock him down. He blinks up in her smiling face and blurts out what has been on his mind.

"Are you and Hunk dating?" Keith closes his eyes. Fuck, he wishes he found a better segue into that but he needs to know. Badly. It's been messing with his head. She's been spending a lot of time with him and while Keith thinks he's nice...he just doesn't see him as her type. I mean, I guess, SOME people (like Shiro) would say they have stuff in common and he's such an intuitive guy but they have stuff in common and you don't see them dating.

"What me and Hunk?" Laughing she continues, "No, no! Hunk actually likes someone else-dude she's great too. They are a perfect match but Hunk is so shy it will probably take ages for them to get together. But Hunk and I, we have a bunch of classes together and just get along so well. He's seriously great, you'd be friends, if you ever gave him a chance."

"Oh yeah totally. I um, just wondered. Cause you guys were hanging out a lot. You even missed our movie night." While the last part came out more accusatory then he'd like, Keith didn't understand why he was so relived at her words. It's not like he hasn't dated a few girls, nothing serious but now that he was 17, he could see the appeal in dating and being with someone. But, at the same time, he didn't want to risk his career by getting seriously involved with someone. So no girl really stood a chance versus his career. But for some reason, the thought of Pidge dating someone else was...unnerving. He even broached the subject with Shiro who laughed him off and said he was jealous of all things. Yeah right...

Similarly Pidge laughed, and plopped on the ground next to him. "Oh yeah he introduced me to this dude Lance. Man, he totally thinks you are like the Antichrist or something. What did you do to him?" She pushes his shoulder playfully arching her brows comically.

Keith tried to place him but he just had no memory of someone with that name. And when he looked into Pidge's eyes, he found he hard a hard time remaining focused. His hand slowly drifted up and pushed her hair behind her ear. Keith knew deep down that what he was feeling was more than friendship but he had goals. And so did she. Plus she was a year younger. And his brother's friend's sister. His FRIEND. So he pushed them down even further and replied lightly, "No clue. Are you sure it was me? What did I actually do to him?"

Pidge shrugs, "Well he claims you guys were rivals. But he can exaggerate. A LOT. But he's really sweet and funny-so it's nice to have a friend whose such an extrovert. Anyways, Hunk, Lance and I are partnered in a squad so we need to work together seamlessly. And well, it's hard when you add up: Hunk gets motion sick, Lance is easily distracted and I get pissed easy. So yeah, good times at the Garrison."

Keith smiles, "Yeah sounds like fun short stack."

Pidge grins, "Well, we can't all luck out and have Allura and Matt as our partners. Not to mention Shiro as your commanding officer! I have such a dick."

Keith scoffs, "Hey, your brother is no prize!"

Pidge smiles, "You're telling me!"

Keith then asks seriously, "Why is your commanding officer a dick? Has he done anything to you? Who-"

Suddenly, an alarm goes off and an announcement rings, "This is not a drill. Code red."

Both freeze, gazes locking. Then jump up.

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