The Kiss

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Hi all, hope you like this one shot! Any mistakes or misspellings are all me!

They are needed for a mission. Somehow, Lance and Pidge were pretending to be dating. Keith suddenly did not feel this was a good idea.

Shiro called an emergency meeting. It was the paladins, pilots and Blades. Everyone was seated around the table. Shiro dimmed the lights and turned to Pidge.

"Pidge can you pull up the schematics and details?"

"Of course! If you would look at the map-"

The door slammed open. Matt rushes in, "WHY WASN'T I INVITED??"

Pidge groans, "Do you even READ your emails dork?"

"Yes, I do, um did."

Shiro smiles, "Matt you were on the list. Don't worry, please sit."

Afterwards the paladins decide to all get together for dinner at Hunk's restaurant, since they were all together. There is a lot of laughing, teasing and joking. Each Paladin relishing the time spent together, each appreciating a different aspect. Shiro was happy to see everyone safe together. Hunk was feeling proud that everyone was enjoying their meal that he prepared, on the off change that they all ate together. Lance was happy to be given an opportunity to laugh and talk in person. Pidge was finally relaxed and didn't have to watch what she said or how she carried herself. And Keith, well he was just happy to be around people who didn't expect him to take charge and lead the conversation.

Finally, it's agreed they should head to bed. Keith, Lance and Pidge all walked together since they weren't stationed on the Atlas and were in guest rooms. Pidge was in between the boys, swaying slightly since they were drinking a bit. She tripped but caught herself, laughing loud.

Funnily it was Lance shushing her. Keith was feeling great until Pidge stumbled again and Lance swooped her up into his arms. He froze for a second. He actually stopped walking. Lance turned, "Hey you okay? I can't carry the both of you."

Keith shook his head. "I don't need you to carry me. Why are you carrying Pidge? She can walk."

Lance looks down, "Well, she's sleeping so, no, don't think she can."

Keith walks up to Lance and looks down at her sleeping face. She looks beautiful. Keith shakes his head, and walks next to Lance. He opens Pidge's door using her wrist scanner and pulls down the covers. As Lance pulls off her shoes, Keith goes to get her a glass of water and some Tylenol and places them on her nightside table. Lance looks up, "Good idea. Do you know how to set her alarm?"

Keith looks at it, staring for a minute. "Um no. (There were a lot of wires coming out of it.) You know what, I'll just come over and wake her up. It's gotta be easier."

Lance nods, "Agreed! Okay turn off the lights, I gotta go to do my nighttime routine before it gets any later."

Keith nods, "Yeah, sure see you tomorrow." He covers Pidge up and then after a moment of deliberation-grabs another blanket, it can get cold down in this wing and he knows she hates to get up once she's sleeping. She'd probably just freeze before getting up to find another blanket. He lays it over her and can't help but brush her hair back from her face, trailing his fingers down her cheek. She looks so innocent, leaning down, he brushes a kiss near her temple. He stares just for a minute or two then blinks, shaking his head, he quickly strides to the door. He needs to get to bed. He makes sure to reengage her lock before leaving. Double checking the door just one more time. She's safe.

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