Days 13-Nighttime Sky and Day 14-Sleepover

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Keith... loved... Katie. Katie Holt. Pidge. His teammate. His friend. His partner.

Well hell. What was he going to do about it? What could he do?

His timing really sucked. But, now that he realized it and put the pieces together there was no way of undoing it. Honestly, thinking about it, how stupid was he??? How blind could one guy be? She affected him in ways, that no else did.

He closed his eyes and all he saw, were memories of her, crashing through his mind. Her laughing. Her smart ass remarks. Her rambling about how she could prove something. The way she rolled her eyes when she disagreed but was trying to be nice. The way she counted down the ounces of water she needed to drink a day. The way she shifted food around her plate so nothing touched. He realized he knew at least a million little things about her.

As Keith stared up into the night sky, he consciously made a choice. He was going to go after her. That was his path. He was going to catch her. That was his choice. He would marry her and spend the rest of his life learning another million little things about her. That was his destiny. The destiny he chose.

14. Sleepover

Keith never really though about it. I mean, he had a ton of things going on in his life so it was natural not to care. He seriously had issues finding places to sleep so crying over a sleepover just seemed stupid.

Like the garrison had bunks with multiple people together in one room but he didn't feel like that qualified as a 'sleepover'.

Then when they were in space, well, it was kinda a big sleepover. Then he knew that Hunk and Lance did them. He thought maybe Pidge was included but he never asked. It seemed too much like he was begging for an invitation.

Then it was different when you were stuck on a planet together. Stranded or just camping. He did camping.

Even sleeping in the lions was different. It was like bunking down together or something. He's been part of crews. But everyone slept in their own areas. So he felt like that didn't qualify either.

But, this...this was a sleep over. Pidge was in his house. HIS HOUSE!

Granted they'd been out and drinking, and she didn't feel like going all the way home. Which was fine. And her brother somehow picked up some girl so she was without a ride. And yeah, maybe Lance said she could go home with him.

Which made him feel. He didn't understand what he felt but it was pretty close to anger and resentment. Why did Lance always have to be the one? Maybe because he was the loudest...but not this time.

Instead, Pidge was in his house. He got her home, gave her a toothbrush and a T-shirt and shorts. To sleep in. IN HIS HOUSE.

Keith had let her go use the bathroom first but it's been a while. Knocking on the door, he asked, "You good. Pidge."


Fuck! They weren't going to trust him with her again if she got hurt. He banged on the door, "Katie, open up or I'm coming in!"

The door opened slowly, "Keith, I'm so tired." She stumbled out and Ketih instinctively caught her. Shit. He knows he gave her pants, why is she just wearing his tshirt?"

"Hey, um, why don't you get in bed, I gotta brush my teeth."

She made her way to the bed with his help and he practically ran to the bathroom. Okay. She was sleeping over. No big deal. None. He kept up that mantra until he opened the door. He saw she was on the bed, but above the blanket. He went over to maneuver her under the blanket and quilt and knowing she would get cold.

Suddenly her eyes opened and focused on him. Um.

"Keith!!! I missed you, c'mere."

Damn his girl was strong. Errr, um. Katie, or Pidge, yep Pidge was strong. She pretty much yanked him in the bed with her and burrowed in. He froze, He didn't know what to do. But obviously she did. She let out a soft moan and snuggled up to his side, even throwing a leg, a very bare leg over his.

Keith was now regretting his decision to sleep in his boxers and T-shirt. I mean, he figured she'd be passed out and well, she never wakes up before him. Okay. This was no big deal right? He'd just wait until she fell asleep and leave. He could still sleep on the couch.

Keith felt his arm numb. Groaning he tried to move only to...blinking he slowly opened his eyes. To see hair. To smell a soothing scent. To hear breathing? As he flexed his hand, holy shit! Did he just sleep with Katie???

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