Kidge Spring Event- April 15th Alice in Wonderland AU

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Sorry, I really had a hard time with this prompt. Alice wasn't my favorite LOL and this would be framed post season and future, not actually an AU per se. So I was wondering if you all cared that I just add these events to my one shots...mostly I'm too lazy to make new ones and it's easier to just add on. Thoughts??? Hope everyone is doing well. For those wondering, my finger is mostly healed, I just got my second vaccination shot Tuesday and I took a nasty tumble on Tuesday so I'm super sore and wrist and back hurt. I really hate that I'm such a klutz but honestly I don't even know how I some of the falls even happen!!!  I definitely thought I'd outgrow this but alas it's not meant to be! Anyways, enough rambling-enjoy and please let me know if you liked it!

The Garrison's spring ball theme was Alice in Wonderland. Pidge understood the whole theme aspect in general for parties but she didn't understand why they'd choose this. Whether they are going old school book version or Disney movie theme honestly who wanted a ball with a theme of a seven year old girl who fell asleep and had some scary dreams?!? Either rendition sucked in her estimation. Why not Beauty and the Beast, I mean there was an actual ball in that one!

Regardless of her personal feelings, Pidge was stuck was wearing a gown her mom had deemed 'appropriate' so of course she's uncomfortable. Part of the whole appropriate package is full on hair, makeup, nails and shoes. So basically it sucks. But she knew it was better not to fight with her mom over a battle she wasn't destined to win. Better to give on this and save a fight for something she stood a chance at. I mean, she even had Matt get another haircut so the odds were not in her favor.

As she entered the ballroom she observed that they transformed the ballroom to look like they were in the middle of a forest, with trees and plants everywhere. In the center was a large 'tree'. Off the main room there looked to be a long table which if she was guessing was meant to imitate the Mad Hatter's tea party. Looking further out the patio doors she could see a maze as well. She had to give it to the party planner, it was well done.

Sighing she loops her hand through her brother's arm as they stood framed in the doorway. It looked like there were about 50 stairs in this grand staircase. Whispering to Matt, she ordered, "Keep it slow I'm in real heels today."

He laughs but complies. Once they finally they reach their friends who were grouped up to the side, Lance let's out a long whistle. "Pidgey, you look Ah-Maz-ING! Make sure you save a dance for your favorite guy."

Keith frowned, "Who says you are her favorite?"

Shiro grinned, "Yeah, after all, we all know it's me."

Pidge laughed, "You all are dorks! Hunk is my favorite!"

Shiro threw his arm around her shoulders, "Now I can believe that. But seriously, Pidge, you do look amazing though. I can't believe this is the little girl who had a crush on me."

Pidge froze. "Shiro! You knew?!?" I then turned and hit Matt in the stomach. Face red, I look down and try to push the embarrassment away.

Matt groaned, "What it was obvious. I mean, it's not like you were the only one!"

Shiro laughed, "Okay now I'M getting embarrassed. You had your share of a little following too!"

Pidge started laughing, "What?!? Bribing girls were you?"

Hunk started laughing, "Sorry Matt, that was just funny to imagine, hey I'll do your homework if you-"

Matt interrupted, "Okay, okay, what's with you joining in Hunk? Traitor!!! You usually don't tease me!"

Lance laughs then quiets, "SOOOO, everyone come closer. I got the inside scoop." He paused and waited until they all pushed closer, "there will be a a treasure hunt for the queen so we need to figure out partners and team ourselves up to the best advantage. I want to beat my sister so bad! And I bet those MFE pilots stick together. What do you say?"

Keith laughs and replies, "Yeah that sounds like a nightmare, count me out."

Pidge can feel herself relax as she listens to the ebb and flow of the conversations around her. She doesn't even have to say much but at the same time she doesn't feel isolated either. Instead it's natural and relaxing. It's like there's a rhythm that she could've never imagined. Hunks laugh, Lance's elaborate hand motions, Shiro's calm and steadiness, it's warm and nice, like a favorite soft blanket on a cold night.

Much like Alice, when she was younger growing up was something she was a bit scared of. She wanted to be Matt's little sister always. She didn't want a boyfriend, didn't want to see how everyone moved on and she stayed still. But then everything else happened and that choice seemed to be made with little thought. Little care. Just action. And here I am grown up on the other side of the mirror.

Sighing and lost in thought she lost her balance in the damn heels and jolted, only to feel Keith's reassuring presence. His hand at the small of her back and then sliding around her waist all while continuing his bantering with Shiro and Lance. Hunk had left to find Shay and Matt was talking to Coran about some tech specs. Pidge knew her face was blushing but for some reason his hand felt warmer and larger than she remembered.

Suddenly the room was blaring with horns and people who were dressed as playing cards heralded the Queen of Hearts. Apparently Lance's information was good but not perfect. There was going to be a treasure hunt but it was a three person squad who were from DIFFERENT branches no team could have players from the same branch. For example, no Lance, Pidge and Hunk team. People were rushing around trying to find teammates when suddenly James tapped her shoulder. Turning she realized he was standing closer than she thought.

"Hey Katie, you look gorgeous. I wanted to ask if you would be on my team for the hunt. I bet with your genius brain and my brawn we could handle most anything. Do you have a partner yet?"

I blinked, well, this was a development. I could sense that the whole team pretty much just stopped what they were doing and were staring at us. And I was definitely impressed with his ability to ignore them and come talk to me. Most guys don't come around when I am standing with the squad. And his eyes stayed focused on me alone. Looking at his serious face, I grinned, "Well, hell, why not?!"

Then he smiled and I felt a little flustered. I heard the talk. He was hot and in demand. But he hasn't dated anyone and here he was talking to me. NOT that it meant anything, I mean, honestly but, I wasn't going to lie either. It was pretty damn flattering even if he only wanted me for my brain!

Suddenly he linked hands with me and stepped closer, "Well, let's get going, partner."

Just as he was pulling me forward, Keith stepped around me and got in between James and I. Looking up, I saw he was looking straight at James.

Keith took hold of my other hand, "Well Griffin, Katie, misspoke. We already were a team so yeah, you can join US. After all, we have Blade, MFE and paladin. So let's do this."

I blink, what the hell Keith? He literally just said this sounded awful and he would not be a part of this! That said, I'm not going to contradict him in front of a glaring James.

But...guess who would? Lance would. He interjects, "REALLY?!? Really Keith! You just said-"

Shiro suddenly pushes Lance, "Right, Keith just said how excited he was for this. And look here we are." He looks at me with an unholy grin. "Katie, get your guys out there! The rest of us still need to find partners."

I roll my eyes but do as he suggests before Keith hits Lance. As we turn I unobtrusively try to pull my hands but both men have a firm grip. Well hell. And I thought the heels were going to be torture.

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