Happy Mother's Day

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Just a quick one shot-sorry for any misspellings! Also Happy Mother's Day to all who are!

Pidge was still working on her program when hands cover her eyes. She freezes, knowing that only a few very select people can get in here undetected. She quickly takes note of what she's feeling...hands are warm, slightly rough, and yet gentle. But she inhales and she smiles, "Oh, look who's home! Keith!"

Keith smiles, moving his hands to her shoulders for a quick squeeze. Pidge can't help the groan that escapes when he does that and he pauses. He slowly keeps up the pressure, first allowing the warmth of his hands to just seep in then slowly starting by squeezing, then using his thumbs to slowly, run from her neck down to her shoulders. She sighs, then moans. Keith softly laughs and keeps going until he can feel her shoulder muscles go loose and finally relax.

He stops and sits next to her, bumping her shoulder with his. "Why aren't you at home? Do you know what time it is?"

Pidge laughs, "Of course I know, and yo must know me because you are here instead of at my room."

Keith laughs, "Yeah well, I'm not going to lie, I came here after debriefing with Shiro."

Pidge looks over, "Well, don't I feel special."

Keith smiles then sighs. Pidge looks over, "What, what's going on?"

"So, it's Mother's Day Sunday. And I've never had a mom, here on Earth. I want to do something special but, well, I don't know what to do."

Pidge smiled, "Keith, I'm going to impart some knowledge...you listening?"

Keith looks super serious, "Yes, what?"

Pidge takes a moment, for him to focus on her, "This is something I've learned after countless Mother's Days, *looks Keith in the eyes* make her something hand made."

Keith laughs, "Yeah no."

"I'm not joking, card, picture, tshirt, anything you put some time in. Wanna see my mine?" She pulls out a hand made card, along with a small hand held machine. "This is a seed counter. Yes, you heard me correctly, it can scan a pile of seeds and it will tell you how many and what kind. I know, it's boring but it's what she would want. It's specific to her, tells her I love her and well, "

Keith interrupts, "I don't have that kind of time! I, shit, "

Pidge smiles and covers his mouth, "Yeah, yeah, but you got a genius friend so, you're welcome."

Keith pauses, smiles. "Pidge, you don't even know how much I've missed you."

Now, Pidge is blushing, "Oh well, sure. So, I'm guessing your mom has never been on Earth for this. So

Keith laughs, "Pidge, no, c'mon. Okay, let me think, and let's go to bed."

Pidge smiles, "oh, bed you say?"

Keith starts to say yes, when he realizes how it sounds. "I'll walk you to your room and find"

"NO! Keith, c'mon, just bunk with me here and we will get an early start tomorrow. Do you guys have plans for Sunday?"

Keith shakes his head, "Here?"

"Yeah, I have a pull out couch here in back. Hey where's Cosmo?"



Keith laughs, "Okay, let's bunk down."

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