Kidgemas 2021

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Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and Happy Holidays if you celebrate something else!!! I hope everyone is safe and healthy and I'll be adding short little snippets for a week! I'm on break so I finally have some time and I hope to update some of my other stories as well-so be on the lookout!

Much love to you all!!
December 25th Saturday: Northern Lights

Pidge was looking up into the night sky all from the comfort of her cozy hut cabin. There were laser heated glass ceilings that actually opened and the cabin itself was warm and toasty, with a cute penguin and walrus rug in the middle of the hut. Pidge was currently laying on her back, admiring the beauty, and 1000 thread count, when the bed dipped down and she rolled towards her boyfriend.

"Okay, this is an A+++ vacation! Northern Lights from the comfort of a bed and heat? Finland cabin with champagne and snacks! Keith how did you find this? From space no less!"

Keith grinned, "I bet the curiosity is killing you babe. I guess, I just remember, that one time you said your top 5 things on your bucket list and um, I remember you mentioned the Aurora Bubbles and so I asked your brother what those were and here we are."

Pidge giggles, "Um, Aurora Borealas but anyways, that was like, shit, over ten years ago! We weren't even dating at that point!!"

Keith's gaze softened, "Yeah, I know. I don't think you even knew I was there, you and Lance were having fun doing that"

"You were drinking hot chocolate and picked out all the marshmallows, which you kept tossing at Lance. You still had on that stupid red, white and I think yellow jacket, with those silly leather gloves." She cuddled close to his side and kissed his chin. "You're stupid if you think I didn't notice you. I've always noticed you...well, once I knew who you were of course."

Keith knew he was blushing but he kissed her softly on her lips, "Well, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed. Katie? I, um, I love you. If you let me, I hope to be apart of all your favorite memories."

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