Monday and Tuesday Prompts

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Hope you enjoy! Of course I'm running late!  The picture is of pencils that are for a Pisces which I am.

Monday April 18th: Free Day

Keith hated the times when he was indecisive. It wasn't often but when it happened it really caused him some distress. It's been a month and he still hadn't asked Greenie who they were. He did ask what state they lived in and it was the same but he stopped there. He had been getting teased mercilessly by Lance and it was really starting to get old.

But despite what the guys said, it wasn't because he was scared. Nope it was all one due to one little but formidable girl.

In fact, he could trace it back to that one day, when Katie completely shut down Lotor and he had followed her to the lunch room. He said hi and sat eating his lunch across from her, debating how to open up a conversation. Should he mention that he knew Matt? That Shiro was essentially his big brother?

While contemplating the best avenue, he was saved from that awkward fate when Kolivan walked in and handed her a laptop.

She stared blankly for a moment then laughed, pushing the offending laptop towards him. "Um, thanks but no thanks. This is so old that I'd be better off using my phone. I have my own laptop that I'd prefer to use if that's acceptable."

Kolivan nodded, "Alright Ms. Holt but - "

She interrupted, "Nope, Pidge or Katie if you must-but not Ms. Holt, reminds me of my unmarried aunt, who has like 15 cats. No thanks."

Keith laughs out loud, feeling both pairs of eyes on him, he mutters an excuse, "Sorry, just had a vision of that. My bad."

Mini-Holt, or rather Katie, quickly retorts, "Nope, laugh away, it isn't a pretty sight, if I say so myself."

Kolivan looks straight at Keith and just arches a brow. Flushing Keith gets busy pulling his lunch out of his bag, keeping his eyes down.

After a few moments, Kolivan leaves and Keith decides to introduce himself. They chatted for a little bit and Keith got his first taste of her. Her humor. Her twinkling eyes, which more than not could be found rolling. Soon he was looking forward to the nights they worked together. Anticipating their timed lunch breaks. He also found, he was drinking allot more coffee. Their banter was fun and she was sarcastic and witty. He found her...intoxicating. Complexing. Shit, she was unlike anyone else he knew.

Soon he found himself hanging out with both Holt siblings and Shiro. They went to grab pizza, play board games and just hang at each other's places. Soon, he realized that Katie knew Lance and Hunk as well, as they were talking a few classes together. Suddenly it was like he had real life friends and he didn't need to rely on the online one as much.

He was torn. He really really liked Katie, so he felt weird about pursuing something with Greenie. Not that he was dating her but he was developing some feelings and he didn't want to waste this opportunity in front of him. He might be obtuse but he knew this could be something. Something good. Great even.

So instead, he focused on the intelligent and loyal girl in front of him. Shiro kept asking him when he was going to take the leap and ask her out but he wasn't quite there yet. Smirking, he thought it would have to be soon though. Because, he found his hand drifting to push back a piece of her hair, bringing food because he found she often forgot to pack a lunch or offering to give her a ride to and from work. Sighing, he contemplated his sad life.

Tuesday, April 19th: Cherry Blossoms

The group was taking their first group weekend road trip together. It was spur of the moment but everyone was pretty excited. It originally was just the Holts deciding to leave the house so their parents could have some private time for their anniversary. Then Matt asked Shiro, Shiro asked Keith and then Lance found out and just invited himself along. At that point, Katie asked Hunk so now it was a group thing. Fun.

With their limited funds, the Holts would be in a room since Matt very clearly stated he did not trust any of them with his sister. That left the rest of the group of guys staying in a different room due to ...let's say financial constraints. They had planned to catch a ballgame, eat and maybe do a ghost tour the next day. Nothing big but this would be a lot of time with Katie, while not alone, Keith was really looking forward to it.

Unfortunately after an hour in the car, Keith felt mildly claustrophobic. Lance was loud. But inside a mini van, he was positively deafening. Then there was Hunk who insisted he got car sick but still insisted on eating!  Shiro was the drive so Matt sat shotgun. Which meant the music was a mess of songs that Keith felt like he had whiplash from. Frank Sinatra, to Greenday, to Phantom of the Opera, this guy had a wide range of taste.

Then there were the stops. Hunk was in the back until the car hit one too many bumps and they had to switch. It was convenient for him because Katie was in the back and he had no problem sitting next to her. In fact, he was happy until he realized that Hunk must have a bladder the size of a peanut because he constantly needed them to stop. Extending their time in the torture device.

Feeling resigned, Keith sees an opportunity. Katie ended up falling asleep because she never goes to bed when she is supposed to. He slowly slides her towards him, putting his arm around her and settling in. She felt perfect. He let his mind wander and wonder.

He never had a girlfriend. Not really. He went on dates. Usually the girls asked him out and they hung out until he was not interested anymore. Or he pissed them off because he didn't share his feelings or spend a shit ton of money on them. Somehow looking at the little pixie by his side, he didn't think that was going to happen.

Shiro kept telling him he had to make a move. Which he wanted to do. But, he just felt stupid and was trying to come up with a good time to do it. Something memorable. She deserved memorable.

So when they stop for the fifty millionth time and he sees the cherry blossoms, he makes a decision. Now, he'll bite the bullet now.

He gently wakes her up before the door slams shut and grabs her hand self consciously. He slow walks her to the side of the bathrooms of the rest stop and pauses. She blinks up adorably and her smile makes this whole torture worth it.

"Keith, these are cherry blossoms. Did you know that they are a symbolic flower of spring and renewal? And they are called Sakura in Japan? It's like a celebration. In Japan they picnic beneath the trees and it's called Hanami. Shit, sorry I'm rambling, you can just tell me to shut up."

"No, no. I love how you know so many things. Really." Keith thought, this is it, I'm going to tell her how I feel. Turning slightly, he starts with, "Katie,"

Then all the guys appear and Shiro goes into senses mode and starts talking about cherry blossoms. Well fuck.

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