Final Kidgetober 2020

326 10 41

So sorry it took so long to put this up here! I just plain forgot!

30 | Cozy Night In

Keith was back on Earth. Maybe for a while. With a broken leg he was more of a liability than an asset with the Blades. Plus his mom wanted him to 'recharge' or something. So here he was on earth he decided to rent a small house. He wasn't too keen on neighbored and most apartments would not allow a space dog in residence.

Shiro and everyone was going out to celebrate Halloween but he told Shiro he was fine and wanted to stay home. He didn't want to hobble along his friends. He'd rather stay home alone than be the person dragging everyone down.

He sat on the couch, remote in hand. He didn't know where Cosmo went off to but he'd be back. Eventually. He looked to the kitchen thinking of getting a beer but he didn't feel like moving so he just kept flipping the channels. Ugh, even with cable there was nothing on. He leaned his head back, sighing. He was bored. He hated not being able to train and just lying on the couch wasn't any fun.

He looked to the fireplace, wishing he had the energy for a fire. Oh well, he closed his eyes and sighed again. He knew Shiro planned on staying but he didn't' want to ruin his and Curtis' date night. He'd imposed enough already.

Suddenly heard a pop and knew Cosmo was back. He yelled, "Cosmo, come here!:"

Keeping his eyes closed, he felt the couch sink. He grinned and slid his arm up and over only to encounter a very different form than what he was expecting. His eyes snapped open and he turned his head to encounter Pidge?!?

Feeling his face turn red he quickly moved his hand from along her side. Shit! He was suddenly acutely aware, of the fact that he was sitting in his crappy black nike shorts, holey sock, and his old T-shirt that was too small but was one of his favorites. He tried to unobtrusively pull the blanket up to cover up but she laughed calling out "Cosmo!"

Cosmo popped up licking his hand, looking as proud as a space dog could be. Keith couldn't help but smile relaxing finally. Looking at Cosmo, he grinned, "Thanks boy."

Pidge leaned forward, grinning, "I got a pizza, your fav, of course, all the stuff to make popcorn and movies! So, it's kinda chilly in here, let me start a fire and bring in some pizza and beer. Wait, can you have beer? Are you taking any"

Laughing, Keith stopped her, pressing his finger to her lips. "Yes I can have beer, I'm not taking any pain meds and thanks. For coming." Keith could feel his heart rate pick up, for some reason the minute he touched Pidge he felt...odd.

Pidge smiled and impulsively hugged him, "Keith, you know I'd rather do a night in versus the bar scene. Let me get everything set up and I'll be right back in. Just yell if you need anything."

An hour later, Keith was sitting on the couch with his leg up, and Pidge snuggled into his side. He knew she was always cold which is why she was probably next to him with the blanket. And while he knows that she's always been there, this night really meant something special to him. The fire was going and he was watching some cartoon about kids training to be heroes. This was perfect. He didn't expect anyone to come by and sit with him. And he didn't know why he was surprised that Cosmo got the one person guaranteed to help him relax.

Hours later, Keith shifted and realized that both him and Pidge were laying on the couch together, arms wrapped around each other and Cosmo at the floor besides them. He shifted slightly and Pidge just settled more into him, moaning and squirming. In her sleep she kissed his neck and Keith froze. Smiling he absently thought, I could get used to this. Maybe this injury was a good thing. A cozy night in with this girl...was something that he wanted more of.

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