Christmas Wish

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Sorry for the short story, I wanted to write something for Christmas but time got away from me.

Merry Christmas!

Keith was tired. So damn tired. Tired of traveling, tired of going planet to planet, tired of living out of a bag. He never thought he'd feel this way and he was feeling a little lost. Because if he wasn't helping others, who was he? What other purpose could he have? If he wasn't fighting for something....what else was there for him? He wasn't good at anything else. He wished he had a purpose or some kind of goal. He knew he wasn't satisfied with the status quo and his friends and teammates could tell. Which he knew caused them to worry. And that was one thing he never wanted to do.

His mom even tried to ask him what was wrong and he could only say he didn't know. And while he may have had a passing thought about what he wished was different he also knew that wishes don't come true. Shit the planets they visited were proof of that.  But, everything really came to a head after a really tough mission on a planet that was dealing with comprehensive destruction. Keith saw orphan after orphan, destroyed family after another. Keith was sitting on a burned out bench when realized he needed a break, he needed his friends. He told his mom that he wanted to go back to Earth to celebrate Christmas with the paladins and take a break.

He halfway expected an argument, but instead his mom just looked at him and said, "Okay. I would like to join you for the Christmas too." Keith looked at her, really looked at her, and saw she was tired too. Maybe Christmas was something they both needed. He's never celebrated Christmas with his mom before. So they finished their efforts and he told his team, his plans. Surprisingly he found a few members who were up for a break and the others would be posted with other teams. Keith finally decided to call Shiro and let him know that he would be home for Christmas this year, just two years after the war ended.

A week before Christmas he radioed the Garrison stating he needed landing approval. Nothing. Again he radioed, feeling aggravated. Finally approval came in and they were directed to a hangar that was far away from the rest. He hoped there wasn't going to be any trouble because he really wasn't in the mood for it. Acxa and his mom each carried their own bags and Zethrid carried hers and Ezor's. As he disembarked all he could think about was sleep that is until he looked up and saw the gang was all there!

Hunk and Shay, with huge grins waving a sign that says "Welcome home Keith"; Shiro and Curtis holding their son, and Coran twirling his mustache while bouncing on his heels in a light up Christmas sweater. Keith can't help but shake his head and smile. As his gaze roams the group, he sees Griffin's team as well as other crew members from the Atlas. Then he notices Lance with his arm around Pidge grinning and waving madly. He starts to frown but pushes any feeling down, way down. He doesn't care. In fact, he's glad. Glad that Lance is happy. Thrilled.

And if Cosmo teleports to Pidge jumping on her, of course he smiled. Once he's on the ground he's engulfed in a hug by Shiro, followed by an impact of Pidge from behind and then just all around, his tribe. Finally everyone moves back and Shiro ruffles his hair, "Hey!" He yelps! Pidge laughs, "Don't worry your hair doesn't look any different!"

The team leads him to a big room, where there's plenty of food and drinks. He felt pretty unprepared for so many people. It's just a conglomeration of family and friends, yet Keith feels alone. He eats, answers questions and tries to look comfortable. Shiro is asking him how long he plans on staying and if he's thought of taking a job at the Garrison. He looks and sees his mom talking to the Holts,  so he takes a moment to escape. He leaves out a side door and makes his way to the roof. For all his desire to be on Earth, here he is making his way upwards. Alone again.

As Keith makes his way to the roof, he hears Pidge's voice, nothing but a low murmuring. He pauses and just listens bringing him back to the Castle days when he could be exhausted from fighting a bot and lay to rest and wake to hear Pidge's voice talking to herself! He literally takes it in for a moment before continuing up. Up top he spies Pidge laying on her side with her head cushioned on Lance's chest. Again, he doesn't know why but for some reason that...bothers him. Maybe because they are closer than he is to either of them or maybe because he hasn't had any alone time with anyone but whatever the reason he sharply inhales and tries to muffle his response. Unfortunately Pidge hears him, raising her head. "Keith?"

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