Just Friends

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Hi all!!! So sorry for the long absence. Sooooo, if you are interested... I still have a job. Unfortunately my work BFF was not offered a contract as well as another counselor. Then surprise... the other counselor declined the position. Not that I blame her, if my daughter was not going to be a senior...who knows. This was by far so stressful after an already crappy year. All I can say, Karma is a B-I-T-C-H and I'll be patiently waiting to see! I'm hoping now that I will have some free time to get back to my stories and if you like what you see...please look at my other stories!! Sorry for any misspellings!

Keith mutters, "We're just friends. She can talk to whoever the fuck she wants. She can dance with whoever she wants. I don't care, we are just friends."

Lance frowns. Hunk frowns. Shiro sighs and looks down at his drink. Matt looks around the table confused. He stares at his pals wondering how everyone is silent.

"What the hell? Is no one going to correct this moron?" Matt exclaims.

Keith looks shocked. "Moron?"

Matt rolls his eyes, "Okay enough with the kid gloves."

Lance looks resigned. "He doesn't take direction well. We've been trying to slowly bring him to reality. Seriously, it's harder than it looks."

Matt countered, "Slowly? C'mon, these guys are the opposite of light speed. You need to rethink this strategy. Because frankly, it's not working."

Laughter erupted around the table. Keith frowned. "Why do I feel like you are all laughing at me?"

Everyone quieted down, as Pidge approaches the table. "Hey guys! Lance, your sister is such a trip! I'm so glad you made me come." She grins and stands in between Matt and Shiro.

Leaning against Matt, she swipes his napkin and moves to wipe her face. Except Lance reaches out and grabs her hand. "Nope! You have make up on, come here." Waving her over, she follows his directions.

As she moves around the table to Lance, Keith is frowning and with his eyes following her around the table, he interjects, "Hey, we ordered food. Mozzarella sticks and fries." He slides his water over to her and she grins, "Awesome."

Keith smiles in response but around them eyes meet and roll. Shiro sighs, "Okay, maybe there is something to this Matt. I'll tell him now." Shiro stands, "Pidge, take my seat, I need to check on something, Keith, you're with me."

Keith startles but quickly nods and gets up, "Sure thing. You good Pidge?"

Pidge nods absently and Lance captures her attention again.

As they walk away Keith questions, "So what is going on? Is everything okay?"

Shiro nods but slowly states, "Yes, but I just wanted to point out that 'just friends' don't steal secret glances at each other."

Keith sputters, "Wait, what? No, I wasn't looking at her, or I mean, I was but not secretly."

Shiro laughs, "My man, you do. But I said secret glances and you immediately go to Pidge. Seriously man? Yet, on the plus side, so does she. Look, I love you. But, you are going to miss your opportunity. Some random guy is going to see how amazing our girl is. And I don't want you to regret never taking that chance. Man, just take the chance!"

Keith avoids his stare and walks looking down. "You don't You don't understand Shiro."

Shiro sighs, "No, I do. That's the point. I've missed the chance, I just don't want you to too!"

Later that night, Griffin is dancing with Pidge and Keith is trying hard not to punch him. When Pidge gets back to the table, she mentions how James just bought a house. And he mentioned he needed help with some things.

Only for Keith to interrupt and say that Griffin should ask his friends for help and not try to impose on others. The table quiets for a minute then talking resumes.

Lance throws an arm around Keith and whispers, " 'Just friends' don't get jealous when the other one talks about someone else. Because, let's face it you are the only one of this group who is currently annoyed by James."

Later, Hunk sees Keith and Pidge dancing! He grins and secretly videos them just for the hell of it. But then he notices how flushed Keith is and when Pidge leans her head on his shoulder, Hunk can visibly see Keith needing to recalibrate. Red faced, Keith is just the cutest thing!

After the dance, Pidge heads to the bathroom and Hunk makes his move.  "Just so you know Keith, 'just friends' don't get butterflies or get flushed from being close to each other."

As the bar closes, the group heads out. But with everyone in town and with it being so late, it's decided that they will all head to Shiro's place to crash instead of making it back to the Garrison. In the car, Keith has positioned Pidge next to him and she somehow fell asleep during the 15 minute car ride. Upon arrival, Matt moves to carry his sister in the house but Keith says he's got her. After getting in the house, he lays her down on the couch. Everyone finds a sleeping space and knocks out.

The next morning, Matt goes to check on Pidge when he sees that Keith actually fell asleep while holding his baby sister. Luckily they are both dressed so he decides to be kind, softly nudging Keith. The ninja master opens his eyes without moving a muscle.

Grinning Matt whispers, "'Just friends ' don't hold each other while sleeping."

Keith blinks, quietly taking stock...of Katie in his arms, wrapped safely in his bed. Arm under her head for support, body aligned behind hers. Keeping her safe. Her feet on his legs and as he takes a deep breath, he breathes her in.

"Just friends? My friend, you aren't fooling anyone." Tapping him on his forehead Matt gets up, "Wake up and make your move."

Keith blinks. Shit, were they all right? Were his feelings for Katie different?

Yeah right. He's been in love with her for years. Shit.

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