Kidgtober Chapter 9 Bonfire

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Sorry forgot I was posting these here!  Enjoy!

Keith Kogane was feeding the fire wishing he never agreed to come to this stupid bonfire. The guys knew he hated these things, yet they made him come. He didn't know what was worse, the pretentious assholes acting like big men or the stupid girls fawning all over them. High school sucked. He much rather had been somewhere where he could be looking at the stars or even riding his bike.

Instead he stood around the fire, watching girls and guys alike fawn all over Shiro. Lance being his embarrassing self hitting on any girl in a mile radius. Even Hunk was busy talking to some girl from the another high school about how to create the best s'more and other fireside recipes.

He was frowning wishing he had an ax so he could at least cut the firewood into a thinner flammable object instead of dousing huge hunks of wood In lighter fluid. If he could chop them up thinner then they would light more efficiently. When he glanced up and met the eyes of a girl who was familiar yet unknown. He couldn't help staring, she was the only girl dressed in clothes and not a bikini and shorts. Instead she stood out just by being different. At least to him. She had on some cool cargo pants, a black tank top with a green triangle on it and a dark green hoodie tied around her waist. He could tell she wasn't really paying attention to the people either. Instead she was sitting on a log on the other side of the fire, she looked like she was trying to open a metal box??

He decided to unobtrusively observe her. Just for something to do. No harm, no foul.

He found himself slowly making his way around the fire, avoiding the others while keeping his eyes on the girl. That's probably why he didn't see Lance ran up to him. He asked him if he wanted a cold beer, which he took just to shut him up and keep moving. He didn't mind drinking but he hated to be out of control so he tended to nurse his drinks. The guys knew it and would occasionally give him a cold one.

He was talking a mile a minute until he distracted by some girl.  Keith looked around, damnit. Damn Lance, he lost her. He looked around trying to see if she moved to the outskirts of the fire but no. He sighed. Just his luck find someone who sparked his interest and then he lost her. He turned, deciding he was getting the hell out of dodge. He was done, he did his time. He went to find Shiro and let him know he was leaving.

He finally found him talking to whoa! It's a boy who looked just the girl. Well not exactly but sorta. He poked Shiro, "Hey, I'm going to head out." His eyes darted to the guy and back to Shiro.

Shiro nodded, "Yeah I figured you'd leave soon. Hey, this is Matt Holt, Matt this Is Keith. We met at space camp a few years ago and him and his family moved here just a few weeks ago. He's going to be a senior like me."

"Oh, hi. Um, nice to meet you. Um, do you happen to have a sister?"

The guy, Matt, looked surprised. "Yeah my little sister she's going to be a sophomore but she's a year head in school. Why?"

"Oh no reason, I, um saw someone who looked like you by the fire. Just curious cause she didn't look familiar."

"Okay, well she'll probably be in some of your classes, maybe you can keep an eye out on her for me? We had some difficulties In the past, with bullies and such."

Shiro replies, "Of course he will! He has a great group of friends he can introduce her to. Right?"

Keith sighs, "Yeah sure, I'm out of here man."

He waves off Shiro's asking him if he was good to drive, of course he is.

He decides to walk along the beach's waves until he could make the turn to the parking area. He stops, thinking he hears something. He tries to pinpoint what he heard when he hears a loud voice yell, "I said NO!"

Keith immediately starts running to the voice, when he sees a girl right by the tree line, being pulled towards the forest. It's HER!! Moving even faster he lands a hard blow to the guy's bicep where his pressure point is. It caused the guy a lot of pain and luckily caused his fingers to loosen enough that the girl slipped away and dodged behind me.

Feeling much better now that I was between her and her attacker, I smirked, "So what were you saying?"

He caught sight of me in the moonlight, "Keith oh, dude, I'm sorry, seriously. I didn't know she was with you!" He scrambled to get up and ran towards the parking lot.

The girl behind him pokes him in the back, "Keith, you made a great bonfire. The way you started with the smaller pieces really burn fast and let you set fire to those huge logs. The air flow was also very good but you should have put the lighter fluid on the bottom so it could burn up."

"Oh yeah," Keith turns to look at the little pixie next to him, who is actually shorter than he is and cute in the moonlight, "and thanks."

Keith smiles, a real smile, for the first time all night. Maybe he does like bonfires.

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