Love Takes Time Conclusion

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Last part of this little storyline! Hope you enjoy and please check out my other Kidge stories! Please comment or leave some feedback, it's much appreciated!!!

Three and a half years later...

The war is finally over. All the paladins have made it safely out of the war though not without battle scars both - visible and invisible. But overall each was pleased that they were successful and Earth is still intact. Their hard work and sacrifice was worth it. However rebuilding will take time and the initial focus for the families were to welcome their children or now young adults.

As a bonus, Pidge had found her brother and their bond is stronger than ever! And while it's been years of fighting it's a relief to finally be home and just take a minute to be. However, recharging time was cut short when the Garrison announces that a celebration was to take place for the 'heroes of the war'.

With this event in mind, Shiro decides he cannot stay silent any longer. He has been frustrated watching two of his closest friends muddle through things at a snail's pace. He can't take one more mission, one more night, honestly, not even one more minute of this torture. Over the years, he's had a front row seat to Keith and Pidge's relationship. While it has grown and evolved-they still seemed determined to dance around the main issue. They were in love with each other. And while he didn't really want to get involved; he also felt like he couldn't be silent anymore either. He has seen the way Keith and Pidge interact. Their connection defies simple friendship. It's uncanny how they can move in sync without words and the fact that both aren't as in tune with their feelings makes it all the more special. And annoying.

Shiro recognizes that they are both at a serious disadvantage. Both missed the time that everyday teens and young adults date, practice and gain experience. Then there is the intrinsic fact that both of them are not great about dealing with or acknowledging their feelings. Both have a tendency to focus on practical problems rather than feelings or emotions. Therefore Shiro feels like it's up to him to steer Keith in the right direction. Because he doesn't want to see what happens if Keith misses his shot at having a real relationship with Pidge.

With this goal in mind, Shiro is on a mission to find Keith. Tonight would be a great time to shift gears on their relationship. Unfortunately Keith wasn't a part of the meeting he just got out of so now he has to track him down. Luckily, he  runs into Hunk and Lance in the hall and asks them if they have seen Keith.

Lance makes a face, "Yeah, I told him I'd help him pick out an outfit for tonight, because I have excellent taste but he said he already had something. I can only imagine what he is going to wear. Something black and boring, I'm sure. I just hope that it fits him, you know I think he's grown in the last year! Now me, I've got an Uh-MAZ-ING suit that pairs azul and roja perfectly!"

Shiro smiles and nods, when Hunk interrupts adding, "Shiro, Keith said that he was going to try and train before the dinner, so you might be able to find him there. To be honest, he seemed a little off. I didn't get the normal Keith vibe, if you know what I mean. He seemed a little, man, I don't know. Never mind, I'm sure I'm just overreacting."

Shiro places his hand on Hunk's shoulder, "No, please, you are more observant than you know. What did you see or not see? What's your gut say?"

Hunk pauses for a moment and Shiro can see him organize his thoughts, carefully formatting his thoughts. Hunk slowly continues, "Well, he pulls away and for whatever reason I think...he thinks we are friends because we need him. I don't think he understands that we are his friends because we care about him. I dunno, it's just something I've been feeling for a while. I don't think he understands his true value, if that makes any sense. And, he might be thinking we won't want to hang out with him now that we don't have to."

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