Psychic Concerns

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Okay, so I needed to write something so here we go. Just some fluff cuz I need to get back to writing and I have always wanted to see a psychic but at the same time am scared they'd tell me something bad!  But as usual, this turned out way longer than I originally planned! Let me know if you'd like a part 2!! Also I smashed my middle finger while bowling soooooo my writing has definitely been affected! Ah well, happy April

Keith answered his phone, "Yeah."

"Dude, where have you been? We are going to a psychic this weekend- you gotta come!"

"Lance, I don't believe in psychics. So that's a no."

"Awww, man, c'mon we are all going...even Pidge."


"Keith, you there man?"

"Um, yeah, so when are you going?"

"Friday. 8 pm. The whole group plus some. We got a discount group rate so we needed a larger group. Let's see it's my sister Veronica and a couple of her friends, then of course there's Hunk, Shay, Shiro, Matt and Pidge...and Lotor and Allura."

"Okay, where should I meet you? I work until 8 but I can meet wherever you guys are at."

"Uh, yeah I'll get the address for you. Um I wanted to ask, are you sure, you are uhm, really cool if I ask Allura out? I know you guys hardly dated but it still feels wrong to date a girl after my pal dated. I uh,"

"Lance, I already told you I don't care. We dated back at the beginning of high school. We aren't in high school anymore so it's like, not even real world dating. Just text me the address and I'll see you Friday."

A few days later...

Keith pulled up on his motorcycle and took off his helmet. He absently ran his hands through his hair for once wishing he didn't have a job. He would have preferred to gone home, showered and changed instead of just cleaning up in the bathroom at the garage. But there was no time, it was already 8:45 pm and he didn't want to miss the whole outing.

He slowly walked up to the storefront of the Psychic Readings by Cassandra. He knocked quietly not wanting to interrupt the mood just because he was late. He tried the door even though it was dark and quiet, like it was closed. He hesitantly called out, "Hello, I'm meeting my friends..." while walking in the store.

Nothing. Hmmm. He slowly moved to the back figuring they had a special group room. He heard voices so he knew he was on the right track. As he continued down the hall he heard then saw his friends. Shiro was at the table in the center of the room with who he guessed was Cassandra. Surrounding them, the rest of the group was standing in a circle. His eyes quickly scanned the group.

Hunk and Shay who recently started dating were holding hands, cute. Lance was standing next to his sister and Allura. He was dressed to the nines, which was no surprise, whenever he was trying to date a girl he pulled out all the stops. Then Lotor was on Allura's other side, next to some girl he didn't know and then Griffin. Shit, Lance conveniently left him out of the list of people going but it suddenly hit him that Griffin was standing way too close to Pidge.

Katie Holt. Keith felt his heart race and absently wiped his hands down his jeans. She was just too cute. Adorable. Eye catching. Whatever she did she did wholeheartedly. Like right now she was staring intently at the psychic and Keith just knew she was trying to catch her in the act of cheating or using some trick. He would bet his entire life savings on the fact she didn't believe in psychics either.

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