Saturday, April 16th Archery

90 6 13

Hi, just a little late!! Enjoy!

When Keith met the guys for lunch he was completely unprepared to see Shiro and his friend sitting at the diner. They were all laughing. FUCK!

Shiro had taken to teasing him mercilessly about what he had taken to calling, Keith's obsession. It was getting annoying but what could he do. He was not going to apologize. Yet, he also knows he needs to not get so mad when Shiro screws with him because at this point it's only egging him on. Fuck, it was not like it was even an obsession. It was just a new friend. That he met doing something he enjoyed. On a game that he has played for years!

As he walked to the table he contemplated that it's not like he even knew who Greenie was. IRL. No name, no gender, no location hell he didn't even know their voice. Something about their headset and mic being upgraded but honestly he didn't even care. He just enjoyed playing games. And while he usually played solo, from their first interaction their teamwork was flawless. How they interacted together when in battle was unprecedented. Especially given his levels and stats. But theirs were just as impressive.

Sighing he reminded himself not to rise to the bait. They weren't going to needle him into an outburst. Grabbing a chair he pulled it up to the end of the table and waved the waitress over.

"Hi, can I have a glass of water, a burger with bacon, no cheese and a fry? Thanks."

At the waitress' nod, he looked at his friends, who were currently giggling like school girls. Great. This boded well. 

Lance started his shit talking as usual, "Hey, how come you never told Hunk and I about this new partner you have? Keeping secrets buddy? Trying to pad your stats? Hoping to take me on someday?"

Keith sighs and chooses to ignore Lance's teasing and instead focuses on Shiro, "So what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to have your TA hours now?"

Shiro grinned, "Well, I got out early and when Matt mentioned that his baby sister was going to be starting at the garage I thought of you! She starts tomorrow~don't you work Saturdays?"

Keith nodded slowly, he hoped they weren't going to ask him to help this girl out. He hated when girls wanted to work at the garage! They always thought it was going to be so cool, imagining how they could date the clients or mechanics. Then, they complained about how dirty and loud it was. He hated when they tried to date him too. He frowned at Shiro, dammit he knew how he felt about this! He slowly nodded.

Matt replied, "Great! My sister is, well, great but not what anyone would call a people person. If you could just keep an eye on her that would be great. One less thing to worry about. Ya know?"

Keith nodded unenthusiastically absenting thinking that Shiro was going to owe him.

Lance interrupted, "Keith! Seriously, since when do you even play well with others. Hunk and I practically have to beg and bribe you to play in a party with us!"

Hunk smiles, "Well, I don't know about bribes but we do have to ask a lot. Are they any good? Maybe we can all play one night? I'd love to-"

Shiro grins, "Oh but don't you know, Keith doesn't like to share."

Cue laughter. Keith can't help himself when he rolls his eyes. Looking around the table, he knows that they aren't going to let him avoid this conversation. Great.

"So, a few months ago, I was playing solo and was trying to clear out a bunch of side quests. You know how I hate them, so I had a lot. But I had to clear them so I could progress to the next waypoint. Anyways, I got ambushed and was fighting my way out, when suddenly arrows were flying everywhere."

As he looks around the table, he grins, knowing all of them were nerds and played the game religiously. Each of them are eating their food yet simultaneously hanging on his every word. He couldn't help it,  he enjoyed the suspense. "But, as I was busy trying to use a potion, I realized the arrows only hit my enemies. But I had no eyes on the shooter."

Hunk interjects, "No way! No chat or someone taking credit? That's crazy!"

"Nope, so I continued on my journey but a few days later, I'm in a Battle Royale and I see arrows. So my dumb ass goes looking for the culprit and find an elf clearing the path. I also saw someone trying to kill them so I returned the favor. After that game, I spammed the chat and found Greenie. And, we just ended up just playing together ever since."

Shiro grinned around a mouthful of pasta and picked up, "One night we had dinner and we were talking and watching tv. So I suggested that I just stay the night, no big right? But oh no, Keith was adamant that I go back to my place, honestly I thought he was going to shove me out the door-"

"I did not! Stop exaggerating!"

Shiro shook his head, "I'm not, shut up Keith, eat your food-so anyways, he was telling me how I should go, he needed to get ready for bed, so I said no worries I'd sleep on the couch. But then I noticed the blue light coming from his room. I opened the door and saw the game loaded and muted. So while he was busy getting ready for bed. I snuck into the room and poked around, they had been playing for a couple of months by then."

Luckily Lance interrupted at this point, "No, no, no. I've asked, no begged to play with you and you always say no. This is so unfair...sooo is it a gurlllllll?? Keith and, um-well, whoever- sitting in a tree-K-I"

"Fuck off Lance."

Matt laughed, "Okay, so this has been fun guys-but I have to get back to my own job. Um, so, Keith, you good with keeping an eye on my little sis? But not to close, if you get my drift. She's what my grandma likes to call a pip."

Keith blinked, what the heck? "Um, yeah sure. We might not even work together too much tough, I have the crap hours."

Matt looked at him, and Keith wasn't sure why-but he suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine.

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