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So this was just an off the cuff idea that quickly grew that I worked on while on summer vacation. There's more but I got stuck. Then I realized I was in limbo so I'm just posting and would love your feedback (and motivation to help me finish!) I go back to work shortly and am bummed sooooo here's to the last few moments of summer! BTW this is just a pic I took while out west.

Keith waves Shiro off, he has heard enough. Escaping to his bedroom, he reflects on the past few weeks of conversations. Katie this. Katie that. Katie is so smart that she was promoted a few grades. Katie figured out how to fix Shiro's old laptop and it now works better than when he first got it. Katie, blah, blah, blah. Honestly he stopped listening to the details. 

Katie may be Matt's kid sister but Shiro can really be clueless. It's obvious to Keith this Katie chick likes Shiro. But Shiro is so oblivious that he he has no clue. Why else should she always be around with her brother when Shiro is there? Who hangs around with their older brother and his friend? Doesn't she have her own friends? Honestly, Shiro is lucky he has him. Girls always fall for Shiro. He's kind, treats people with respect and according to his last girlfriend hot as fuck. So he cannot blame her but he's not about to just let this happen either.

Keith decides it's up to him to protect Shiro from this girl. Shiro tends to be a little innocent and naïve about dating and his last boyfriend really did a number on him. A few weeks later, Keith finds his opportunity to see what's going on first hand. As he was getting ready to leave for work, he overheard Shiro making plans to meet up with the Holts at a nearby virtual reality gaming place that just opened. Normally he doesn't care to join Shiro when he meets with friends because he has a hard time around strangers.

That said, he will make an exception in this case. He KNOWS that this girl is after Shiro and Shiro just does not see it. Keith is determined to thwart her attempts. Or at least determine if she deserves him. He hangs out in the family room trying to time his entrance perfectly.

As Shiro hangs up he times it just right to walk into he kitchen. "Hey man, what are you doing Friday? I was thinking we haven't hung out in a while and I'm not working."

Shiro glances up, "Oh man, I'm so sorry. I just made plans with Matt and Katie. But, that doesn't mean we can't hang out! We are going to that new game place, you know the new one with the virtual reality headsets? Why don't you just come too. We are going to meet at Pizza Hut at 6 and then we have a game reservation at 7:30 pm."

Keith smiles, "Huh, well, yeah, I guess that works."

Shiro looks surprised, "Really?"

Keith nods, "Yeah, what are you surprised? I like games."

Shiro looks confused but as Keith knew, he wouldn't push it because he wouldn't want him to change his mind. Satisfied, Keith waves and says he's heading out to work. With a wave he heads out. His shift starts soon and with him waiting until Shiro was done with his phone call, he'd be cutting it close. But it was worth it.

As Friday approached, he thought it might be a good idea to try and get a handle on the girl. Keith tried doing some google searches on 'Katie Holt' but he didn't find much. Honestly he couldn't find much on the family as a whole, which was strange. Everyone has a digital footprint, honestly unless they were spies or aliens. Which this family must be one of because he couldn't even find a picture of her. Resigning himself to go in blind he considered asking around about her but he didn't want to draw any attention or for someone to tell her he was asking about her.

Friday arrived quickly and when he met Shiro in the front hall he mentioned that they would pick up the Holt siblings. Keith knew they were originally supposed to meet at Pizza Hut but honestly he couldn't care less. In fact, this may work in his favor. He'd have more observation time. Turning he opened the front door only to turn back when Shiro didn't follow. He arched a brow.

Shiro looked uncomfortable but finally stated, "Um, we have time if you want to change."

Keith looked down, "Change?"

Shiro nodded, "Yeah, I mean, well hell, you have a rip in your jeans, your boots have seen much better days and why on Earth are you even wearing your motorcycle gloves? I mean we are driving in my car!"

Keith rolled his eyes, "Shiro, stop. I'm not trying to impress anyone. Plus, you know what, people pay money for their jeans to get holes like this! I'm in fashion. Besides, we should go before we are wouldn't want to be late, right?"

Shiro sighs but closes the door with only a slight slam. Ah well, he'll get over it. Shiro does not stay mad for long. Shiro quickly states he's driving which is fine, it gives me more time to observe this Holt chick. While in the car, Shiro starts to lecture him. Keith has so much practice tuning him out that finally Shiro hit his shoulder.

"Hey Keith, listen. Matt has become a really good friend of mine. We've really clicked at work and are great partners. I know you have an Occulus and are good at games but can you not beat them too badly? This really is not life or death. But a fun get to know you kind of night. Sooo o, what I'm saying is...I'd like for this to be fun for us all. And remember, Matt's sister's name is Katie. She's just a year or so younger than you so I think she'll be taking classes at the same university as you this coming school year because "

"Yeah I know Shiro you mentioned, she's a nerd and got promoted. I listen. You can lay off, I get it."

"If you listen, then let's curb that negative attitude. She's, look, she isn't like any of the girls you have dated or know, okay. Just, be nice."

"I don't do nice and let's be real, I'm not letting them beat me at a game Shiro. If you want me to be friends with them, it's better they know me for me. I'm not faking to make a good impression."

Keith looked sideways, trying to gauge Shiro's expression. He couldn't quite read him but he didn't say anting more so he figured it was okay. Playing with the radio, Keith asked, "Did you tell them I was tagging along?"

"Yeah, I told Matt who was fine with it. He said it was no biggie. Ah, here we are."

He shut off the engine and got out. Walking around, he indicated Keith should get out too. Keith slowly got out, what the hell. Couldn't he just honk?

Nonetheless he followed Shiro up a wrap around porch, whistling, he said "Damn, this is a nice house. How much of this land is theirs?"

Shiro grinned, "They own a few acres actually, you should ask Matt about the story of how they came to move. It's actually a pretty funny story."

Keith nodded, "Yeah sure." Keith had no intention of asking. He wasn't here to make friends but rather it was an intel mission.

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