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What is real??

Blades...Hello...Anyone...come in...please come in...static...static...Can anyone hear me? Please?

Emergency message for Keith Kogane...static...I need to speak to Keith...hello? Anyone there? God, please, this is an emergency...I need to speak to Keith...

Hhhhhello, s...orry I do not speak Earth so good... I can transfer you to his voicemail Commander...

...yeah I guess that has to work...this is very important...

A few days later...aboard the Blade mothership

(Blade mission success, cheers and chaos soon ensues)

Keith sighs, he really hates the loud ruckus going on right now but his people deserve to celebrate and relax. While he prefers a quieter kind of relaxing, he recognizes the team deserves it. The planet they landed on had issue after issue: but it has finally been cleared of the worst of the illness that struck it, the farming plans have been amended and everything finally started to work after many setbacks. He knows everyone deserved some rest but apparently they want to party first. Joy. Sometimes this is when he misses Lance, party animal that he was. It took the pressure off of him to be seen and he could scurry back to his room unnoticed.

He shakes his head and tries to think of when he was last on the ship and what needs to be done. It had to be a few weeks at least! He figures he needs to stand here a few more minutes and then he just does not care, he plans on escaping back to his room. Feeling a slight pressure against his arm and he turns to see Acxa leaning up against his arm apparently soaking in their success.

She somberly looks up at him and says, "Hey we should get cleaned up and get a drink. You know to celebrate the culmination of all of our hard work?!?"

Taking a deep breath, Keith shakes his head saying, "Um, I'm actually pretty tired. Rain check?"

Acxa looks confused so Keith feels the need to explain further that 'rain check' is a phrase on Earth that means some other time. She nods slowly asking, "When?" Keith internally groans and says he's got a lot to do so he'll let her know. Hopefully she will forget. Eventually she walks away and he's about to finally flee when his mom comes over making him pause.

She asks him if he was going to finally go out with Acxa. He felt himself flush but shook his head in the negative, does she know 'go out' means dating on Earth? Probably not he decides until a weird expression crossed her face and he thought she was going to comment. Internally bracing for more questions, he freezes. However, ultimately she just nodded and said for him to get some rest because he looks horrible. Obviously he hasn't had a full night's sleep in a while.

Keith slowly makes his way through the hall, saying a word here or there to his team all the while he carefully and meticulously and strategically maneuvering himself to the exit. While he feels more comfortable in the 'leader' role, sometimes he has to think...what would Shiro do. Right now he knows Shiro would give people some positive feedback and thanks. It has to be done. But there is no way he is staying here all night. Screw it.

Even though right now he just needs to get a little time to recharge, being around people so much really takes a toll. Finally he makes it out of the common area and he's back in his room. Now he can shower, change and finally check his messages and rest. Maybe see if there are any snack packages from Hunk too! He tends to send care packages and Keith hopes Cosmo didn't get into it like the last time! For all the stuff here, he would much rather eat Hunk's care package!

After showering and changing he decides to lay on the bed to listen to his messages and knock off early. Most of the messages are the just the usual and are issues that he has been apprised of and already dealt with. Then finally there's one with Hunk asking him if he has found any cool food or ingredients and another reminding him to call when he gets a minute. Lance asking if his farming suggestions helped and even Matt snitching on Shiro about how he burned something in the microwave and caused the sprinkler system to start on the Atlas. Chuckling to himself, he cannot wait to bring that one up to Shiro, especially because Shiro likes to tease about the time he burned eggs (he didn't know that the water would evaporate)!

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