Kidgetober 2020-Day 10 Harvest

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Pidge looked around the campsite. RV parked and stabilized, check. Massive tent, check. Campfire set up, check. Chairs and cooler, check.

The only thing missing...her family.

Oh well, not the first time they wandered off and left her alone. Finding a rare moment of peace, Pidge lays In the hammock and looks at her plans for MiniRover.

After a long while and much progress a fish is shoved In her face. "Ewwww, c'mon guys."

She looks up into the face of her dear, about to be deceased husband. "Keith Kogane, what the fuck?!"

She can hear the giggles from the peanut gallery and the fish is quickly moved away.

"Sorry babe, but they dared me. You didn't marry a guy who wusses out on a dare!" Grinning, Keith bends over and gives her a quick peck on the lips, but then their eyes meet and he dips back down for a longer and more thorough kiss. Which Pidge breaks promptly when she feels Finn pulling on the hammock. "So did you guys have fun?"

There was a lot of talking at that point and she couldn't help but grin at her little tribe. Drew was the oldest at 8, Abby was 6 and her baby was 5 and probably the worst combination of her and Keith.


Pidge looks at Finn, "Honey, why are you yelling? You are right next to me."

He starts scrambling up the hammock much to her dismay. "Keith!"

Keith scoops him up with one hand and gently places him on her stomach. "Oh! Here honey, move your legs cuz you are killing me."

Keith asks who is going to help him clean the fish and Abby raises her hand. "Daddy, I want to but this time, I think I get to use the knife. Please!!!"

Keith grins, "C'mon Abs, let's discuss this further away from your mom."

Pidge sighs, she knows he's going to let her do it she has Keith wrapped around her chubby little fingers. Drew sits on the ground and recounts how they found the best spot to see the harvest moon.

As they sit around eating their dinner, Finn asks again why it's called a harvest moon and not just a big moon. Drew sits up straight and goes into lecture mode...striking an uncanny resemblance to his Uncle Matt. Grinning he explains the harvest moon refers to a full bright moon that only happens at the start of autumn.

I can't help but interject, that when farmers needed the moon to harvest their crops, it really was amazing! It was so important to life.  Later that night, as we were all looking at the stars in the sky, on the most perfect plateau In the forest, I can't help but be amazed that I'm out camping (albeit in an RV with many upgrades that I personally added) with my kids and husband.

I feel like I've had the best harvest possible in this life! Who would've guessed?

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