Kidgetober 2020-16-18

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16 | Will-o'-the-Wisp

I am afraid. That is not easy to say or for me to admit. I'm lost. Wandering a planet that looks like an endless forest. And while it was pretty and he'd usually be fine in nature, it almost felt like a maze. Like each step he took just felt like he was being sucked deeper. He'd been wandering around for hours...days??? There was no sun so Keith could not be sure of how much time has passed. But he was starving so it had to be a while..

Keith finally stopped exhausted and leaned against a tree. What was he going to do? He didn't see an exit strategy. It was times like this he really missed Pidge. She always figured out something. Even when they were on the game show, she made a play for freedom that he never thought of. Sighing he closed his eyes just for a bit.

Later, he opened his eyes, wondering how much time had passed. Was anyone looking for him? Rubbing his eyes, he squinted. Was that a light? It almost looked like a torchlight. Slowly standing, Keith almost called out but stopped himself. He didn't know who it was, so he quietly crept closer.

But it seemed like the light kept moving. Hmmmm, this reminded him of something. It almost reminded me of that Disney movie Pidge showed me a few years ago, Brave? He didn't think it ended well for the girl by following the lights but what did he really have to lose?

He got stuck in the mud of a bog. Frowning he moved, and found he was just getting himself more stuck. Shit. As he was slowly sinking he wished he did a few things differently. He wished he took more time to spend with his friends and what he thought of as his family. And maybe he regretted that he never spoke out, that he never took his opportunity to tell Pidge of what he saw in the quantum abyss. That they were meant to be.

As he sunk further, he remembered Pidge telling him that the lights were called wisps and led people off the path and into trouble. Shit, maybe he did have something to lose by following them. As he resigned himself to a slow death, he heard a snap.

Looking up, he saw Pidge! "Pidge, now I know I must be dreaming."

She laughed, "Damn man, you really got yourself in some trouble! Thanks goodness I installed this tracking device in your, um, SO let's get you out of there. I'm going to send you my hook, obviously no electricity, so grab it and I'll get you out in a doubash."

Keith reaches out to catch it. When he looks up, he sees Pidge and leveraged the rope part and Cosmo helped her pull him out. As he laid on the ground panting, he looked up to see Pidge pull out a...sandwich?

"I figured you must be starving by now. Your mom and Cosmo came to get me when they couldn't locate you and your communications were down. I, um, was able to locate you and here we are. Your mom is up in the ship which Cosmo will take us to after you get your bearings."

Keith inhales the sandwich. Looking up, he sees Pidge holding out a hand to him. He grabs it and as he stand he pulls her close and hugs her. No squeezes her tightly to him. He whispers, "Sorry I got you dirty and thanks for coming to get me."

What surprises him is that she held him just as tightly. Maybe he should take his shot. "Pidge."

She looks up and he very gently brushes her hair back from her eyes. "Thanks. So um, wanna watch that movie Brave after we clean up?"

17 | Constellation

Pidge looked at Keith. "You sure? Cause there are no take backs once we start."

Keith looked at Pidge. His partner. His love. His wife.

"I'm pretty sure I answered that question a year ago. At our wedding."

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