Days 5-7

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5. Water Fight-Kid Drabble AU no aliens

Finally, the last day of baseball. Keith knew Shiro was just being his nice self by having play on his team but Keith was not really one for organized sports. Practice, games, he'd rather be fixing his dirt bike or even getting a job.

"KEITH!!!! Get over here for your treat!"

Sighing, Keith walked over to Lance, "Damn man, do you have to yell everything you say?"

Hunk laughed, "Yeah, I think he does. Um, have you seen his family?"

Keith smirked, "Yeah yeah. So what's with all the water balloons and shaving cream?"

Matt swung an arm around his shoulder, "Dude, it's epic. Last day we go all out, we have a water balloon and shaving cream fight!! Then we eat!! Damn glad you joined our team, it feels good to end in first place!"

Keith nodded, "Yeah, I like first."

Keith looks around, trying to see if Katie is still here. Sometimes she'll hang out with them after the game but he also doesn't feel like drawing attention to his interest in her. He could feel his heart beat speed up but deliberately slows his breathing. If the guys knew he was harboring a crush, well shit, he just didn't want to go there.

After a bit, the team was armed with 2 water balloons and a can of shaving cream, with a bucket and pile of cans off by the big tree about 25 feet away. They were to start at a whistle. Keith was focused, he knew he needed to hit the tree and get extra supplies as soon as it started.

Chaos ensued. He was running, diving and throwing like crazy. He also lucked out and found a bag that he tossed extra balloons in so he could move quickly.

Then out of the corner of his eye he saw Lance moving slowly, crouched down low to hide among the bushes. He followed his projected trajectory and saw Katie was indeed here, sitting on a bench with her EarPods in, minding her own business, taking a few pictures of the mess happening around her.

Crap. Before he even consciously decided to move, he found himself running, dodging his teammates and eventually skidding to a stop directly in front of Katie who lets out a surprised yelp. His left arm catches the back of the bench and he hold his weight while essentially covering Katie. His face is awfully close to her because he swears he can feel her breath on his face when she says, "Hey!"

He grins, stating "Yo" while she simultaneously flushes pink while stammering, "Ke-wha-um, er-hi, "

So cute.

He stretches out his right arm and catches the water balloon Lance has launched at her. He stands to his full height and whips it back at him. Hit!

Katie stands now and screams, "You are so dead dude!"

Keith smirks and offers his bag of remaining water balloons. God, this girl! Her eyes are literally sparkling with laughter and joy. Her grin makes his knees wobbly. And she smells like to him is  summer, a hint of spearmint and lavender.

An hour later, Katie is helping the team pick up the mess around the baseball field. He's keeping an eye on her, still trying to determine the relationship of her and Lance. Right now they are laughing and Keith is feeling anxious. He can't ever recall paying this much attention to a girl. Or wanting a girls attention for that matter. What the hell is he gonna do?

Suddenly, Matt's face is in his vision, too close, with an evil grin.

"So! I see you're paying awfully close attention to my darling little sis. Wanna share with the class?"

Keith stumbles back, "I don't know what you, um mean. I'm just looking to see if everything is cleaned up." Taking another step back, he bumps into Shiro. "What the hell guys?"

Shiro moves to his side, throwing an arm around him. "Look, we've been seeing a pattern and just think of us as your wingmen!"

Oh crap. He looks away, past Matt, and sees Katie watching their odd little group. Softly, he mutters, "Yeah okay, what do I need to do?"

6. Smoothie-after voltron season

Katie was sitting on a bench enjoying the sun while getting some last minute emails done. She had about 20 minutes before she had to get to her meeting but it was just too nice outside to sit in her stuffy office. Typing away, she paused when a shadow appeared over her. Looking up, she saw James standing in front of her.

"Hi Katie."

"Hey, how are you?"

"Good, mind if I sit with you for a bit? I hate getting to the meetings too early, it just leads to more work really."

"Sure, but are you sure it's not cuz Nadia teases you for being a kiss ass?"

After a beat of silence with no response, Katie wondered if she offended him.

"So you heard about that huh? Talk about embarrassing."

Katie couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah, your team is about as subtle as Hunk when he's scoping out a new recipe."

"Great. Good to know. Um, would you want to grab a quick snack before we head in?"

Katie is about to accept when she feels the energy change and a loud pop. Keith and Cosmo are both looking intently at her. "Hey guys." Cosmo immediately plops his head onto her lap and pushes James' feet out of his way.

Keith offers her a cup, "Strawberry crush smoothie, lots of ice just like you like."

"Oh thanks!" she takes the cup and draws a deep pull of iciness.

Keith nods and turns to James, "Griffin. So since Pidge doesn't need anything you should probably go before you're late for the meeting." Then he sits close to her on the bench and while still maintaining eye contact with James, draws her hand with the cup to his mouth and takes a long slurp of her drink!

What the heck?

James groans and finally nods, dragging out, "Yeahhhhh, sure thing. Katie, I'll see you in few. Kogane."

Katie turns to Keith, "Dude, what was that?"

Keith turned red, "What was what? Let's go." He grabs her hand and pulls her up.

7. Sunglasses-after voltron

No one has claimed that Katie Holt was organized. Especially Katie Holt. So it's no surprise when she can't find something. It happens more than one would expect.

Pen, key, sunglasses, there's so many things she can't find. It's annoying but since it's always been like this, she just lets it go. I mean, it's just things. Nothing to worry about. Beside things have a way of just coming back to her. They would just appear in her room. Usually on her desk but sometimes in her office.

Until something Matt said made her curious. It was about a week ago when she lost her sunglasses that he gave her. He was complaining that they hadn't lasted so long when she said not to worry her items were like boomerangs, they just came back to her. Magic.

Then Matt laughed, "Um, you can't be this dumb. Boomerang? Magic? Sure, it's not cuz your own personal stalker or anything."

Katie had questioned him to no end but he refused to say more. Stalker??? How could he open that can of worms and then nothing. So she decided to set up cameras in her office and room, let's see how her glasses return.

Unfortunately, it's been over a week and no glasses. What the hell. She's fast forwarding her home video when she sees a flash. Cosmo?! Once the video stabilizes, she sees him.

Her partner. Her sword. Chuckling, she smirks, stalker indeed.

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