ValenKidge 2022

149 7 69

Almost done with this one...much love. Happy tomorrow I an elearning day because of snow so hopefully I will get it done tomorrow! Stay warm all!

Feb 11-"You're staring again."

"You're staring again! Stop!" Pidge throws a piece of popcorn at Keith to make her point.

Keith catches the popcorn in his mouth and mutters, ", sorry?"

"It's not that, you don't have to apologize! Just look somewhere else. I'm starting to feel self conscious here." Pidge eats a handful of popcorn and then pulls the blanket closer around her, playing with the hem of the blanket, suddenly feeling shy.

"Okay. I won't apologize." Keith muttered. "But I'm trying to figure something out. I, mean, I hear your words, but there's so much more with you. It's like layers of things that need to be put together. Your tone, your eyes, your movement. God, even your silences. I just want to hear it all. I want-NO! I need to know what makes you tick. I don't want just the surface. I want it all." Keith paused, shit! He sounds kinda creepy. "If that makes any sense."

Pidge meanwhile is staring at Keith in shock. "What do you mean? I mean, I'm not a puzzle. I'm pretty simple. Food. Work. Family. Friends."

"That's NOT just it. But, if that's the case, where do I fall in then?"

Pidge froze and Keith took that opportunity to move closer to her on the couch. He carefully put his hand on the back of the couch behind her and he took a chance and took her hand in his left. He wanted her to focus on him. Be surrounded by him like he has been with her. He murmured, "At times I know you so well. Like we are the same damn person. I can read your intentions and in battle we are in sync. But then, there are times that I'm left clueless. Floundering to understand if. You and I. Shit, okay. So this week has been amazing to me. I like dating you." He hesitated for a moment but he had to keep going, he pushed the rest out, "But, I have no clue if you like it too. Or-"

When Keith pauses watching Pidge's expression closely looking for that micro expression that will clue him in. Should he continue or should he stop now?

Feb 12- "Why are you smiling?"

Katie knew she was being a coward. After Keith put himself out there she froze. She wanted to say yes. She liked dating him. She liked eating lunch and him walking her home. Instead she stared at him like he held the answers to the purpose life or how big the universe truly is.

BANG, BANG, BANG!!! "Open the damn door! You aren't going to believe this!"

Pidge blinked, realizing she was leaning towards to Keith. Looking at him, she could see his thick eyelashes framing his gorgeous eyes.

BANG, BANG, BANG!! "Katherine HOLT! Open the door! Oh wait, I have a key. Never mind. Shiro move, it's here somewhere. Dammit."

"Well maybe if you didn't carry that man purse it would be easy to get out, honestly Matt."

Keith barked out a laugh. "Okay, let's pause this and see what our two brothers want."

Pidge flushed and sat back abruptly. "Yep, he's not shutting up. Let me get the door."

Pidge hopped up from the couch and opened the door to the vision of Matt dumping the contents of his bag on the floor and rifling through the it. Laughing she nudged a pair of fluffy socks? And shit he has a lot of candy in here.

Shiro and Matt strolled in with some disturbing news that they gathered doing reconnaissance. Apparently Todd has told a number of people that he was dating Katie and he even warned off a visiting scientist from dating her. After talking to some staff members, Matt decided to hack into his accounts where he copied everything he got his hands on. It wasn't good.

Matt was pacing in her small tv room and ranting about what a psycho Todd was. He was vowing to make him pay and that his career is over. "I'm telling dad! Hell mom too just for good measure!"

Shiro patted him on his back. "Matt, can you just calm down? Let's all talk and make a plan before running off half cocked. Patience ..."

"No! No I absolutely cannot. This fucker had pictures of my sister that he had no business having. He's obviously been stalking her. Hell, this picture is from damn near a year ago! No wonder why he didn't think she had a boyfriend."

Shiro and Matt argued about what needed to happen next when Matt erupts, "Keith! Why are you smiling?"

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