May 1-Daffodil, new beginnings

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So interview is this week and revamped resume...fingers crossed folks!!! Hope you enjoy this last little story...that's like 16 days late LOL. As always, sorry for any misspellings and love interacting with you all!

Keith slams his hand on the control panel. NO! This is not acceptable.  He closes his eyes and focuses on the pulsing of his hand. Raising it, he can see his hand is shaking. His heart is racing causing a thundering in his ears. He almost feels like he needs to throw up. Shit! He takes a few deep breaths and tries with all his might to calm down. He needs to be in peak physical and mental condition. To save her.

Calmer her thinks, what does he know. She's alone in a forest, miles away. Fact. He's not leaving her. Fact. She tried to leave and got word to him but was intercepted. Fact. He cannot leave her. Fact. She has limited supplies and no weapons...that he knows of. NotFact. Leaving her is not even on the table. Fact. He sighs. What the hell was she thinking? Did she really think he'd leave this planet with her still on it? Never. He...couldn't. FACT.

Honestly, he had such a different idea of this trip. Stupid. When did things ever go as he planned? Oh, sure they'd get to reknow each other and get closer. Maybe explore the feelings that had been growing on his end, open up. See if she could feel the same.

Then they got sidetracked from a distress call and landed on this fucking planet who requested help. Lies. Treachery. Bastards. Depending on the point of view, Pidge overheard something on accident or through different means. Plans to overthrow the hard won peace. Plans to take action now that Voltron was long gone.  Which she took issue with. And in typical fashion, she did something about it. But then she got stuck between the town and the ship. In the middle of a damn forest.

Keith closed his eyes for just a moment. Smiling, he absently thought, she must be pissed that she has to hide in the forest. One more deep breath then he got  First he called Shiro relayed all his information and put in a request for his people to be picked up by a contingency working in a nearby planet all while gathering the weapons he could. Damn he wished Kosmo was here. Shiro understood that time was of the essence and luckily was smarter than Pidge because he didn't waste time telling him to leave. As plans were made he finally turned to the small crew that was watching with growing concern.

"They are coming to save you. The engines were sabotaged so you need to hide until you get the signal. I'm going after"

"Let me help."

"I can go with."

"Don't leave us here, please we can help Pidge too!"

Keith smiled, "Now, I think you can help from here for us. Here's the plan."

Keith was running through the forest. Plan in place, he just needed to see his girl. No one was going to hurt her. They will pay for ruining his opportunity. Or rather delaying it. He slowed, he could see smoke and their camp. He cut through it like a ghost. Within the hour, the fire would be out and wiping the sweat off his brow, he knew he was one step closer to his girl.

But he couldn't rest yet. He needed to push, seeing the large tree, he knew he was not too far off. He slowed looking for signs of her. Yes! She carved in the tree her symbols that denote time and direction she was headed for. God bless her!

Keith was on the move again. He slowed, he could hear her yelling. Cursing. He smiled. That's his girl. He moved silently, seeing they had her surrounded. He looked at his watch it was almost time. He moved around the perimeter and disabled the furthest soldiers.

Suddenly explosions could be heard as well as huge plumes of smoke. He pulled up his mask and lit some packets of leaves that gave off a sedative smoke.                                                                                                                        

He moved quickly taking advantage of their confusion. Finally he throws Pidge over his shoulder and heads away from the ship direction. He plans to eventually lure them to the designated spot but for now he needs to look like he doesn't have a plan. So he runs and finallly finds a cave that he could get cover for them both because it looks like it's going to rain.

"Look, before you start, I know what you said. But I never agreed."

Pidge rubbed her head. "Keith, I...I..."

"No! If you got'd hurt me. And not just 'cause I'd jump in front of whatever was gonna hurt you. BUT I need to be WITH you to do that. Face it Pidge, you're stuck with me. Now do you want me to tell you the plan. And hopefully make it better." I arch a brow and stare at her. I refrain from hugging her because I'm sure she is pissed but honestly I'm just glad to see her without too many injuries.

I immmediately reach for her hand, they are cut and there is a lot of dried blood. He pulls her closer, and reaches into his bag for the medical kit. As he takes care of her, he feels an overwhelming urge to kiss her bumps, bruises and aches. He closes his eyes and questions, "What no smart ass remark?"

I see her looking down, "No, I just...thanks Keith."

Keith gives her some water and peanut butter cookies. "I'm gonna take a look around and will map out a few escapes. Please rest up."

Keith goes through the passages trying to see their options. Suddenly one cavern opens up into a...damn it's a garden. Keith walks around water, soft ground, plus two exits. He grins, "This will do."

He made his way back with one addition. He walked over to see Pidge leaning back against the wall. One leg bent one straight. Eyes closed, slight smudges of dirt on her face, arm. And she's wearing his coat. He takes the daffodil he found and brushed the petals along her arm. Her eyes opened meeting his boldly.

He dropped down to one knee. "I found a place we can hide out in for a bit until things get busy."

"What's that?"

"A sign, of what I wanted this trip to be. My original plan went to shit. So I'm doing this my way. I wanted this trip to signal a change in our relationship. I found a garden in the one of the cave tunnels. But, I saw this daffodil and remembered that it signals new beginnings and um..." Shit I forgot! Oh man. My hand tightens around hers.

Pidge looks up at him, tears in her eyes, "I want that too! I wanted to come to see if-"

Keith leans forward and kisses her. Hard. "Let's do this. Katie."

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