April 18th SUN- Free Day 4

151 8 24

Rainy day=movie day Told you all I would loop back to this missed prompt! The point of view is all over there so sorry but I didn't want to take the time to rewrite-I still want to do the spring flower event so, please bear with me!


"Hahahaha, you're just a sore loser Lance. Now bow to me and say Pidge is the King!"

Keith and Hunk were watching Lance struggle to find an argument that could pacify her but not admit she's the best. Unfortunately he couldn't find one. Instead, he jumped up and turned off the game console. "Let's watch some movies! Romance, action, let's binge a WHOLE series."

Pidge sighed, "Way to change the topic, but since we all know I'm the superior player, I'll let it slide. What are ya thinking?"

While Lance and Pidge bickered what was show was most binge worthy, Keith was watching and kept agreeing with whatever Pidge said. Hunk smirked. Watching Keith watch Pidge while she didn't know was suddenly becoming his favorite pastime. He absently ate some popcorn as his eyes darted back and forth. He was astounded that he hasn't got caught yet.

Keith caught his eye and muttered "What?" Red faced he stood up and called out, "Anyone want something from the kitchen?"

After a chorus of coke and candy he nods and makes his way to the kitchen. As he's getting snacks he hears a phone buzz. Looking around he finds a phone-it's Katie's. He pulls it from the charger and notices it's only at 10% which means it must have been at 0 before. Shaking his head he absently notes he should buy her one of those phone cases with a charge bank in it for her. She's notoriously bad at remembering to charge it. He hears the beep indicating a message so he unlocks her phone and sees the name 'James'. He freezes. Why would James be calling Katie?

For a split second, jealousy takes hold. He goes to turn the phone off but stops himself.  Shaking his head, he takes a deep breath and unplugs said phone and walks into the family room holding it. Calling out gruffly, "Pidge, your phone was buzzing. It's, uh, says James left a message."

Pidge sighs, looking at him upside down since she has her head hanging upside down from the couch. "Is it charged? We have a project due but I told him I was busy today."

Keith places the snacks in the middle of the end table, grabs a coke and sits on the loveseat next to her. "It's at ten percent. What project?" He absently twirls a his pocket knife in his hands trying not to sound accusatory. But why didn't he know they were working together. Before he could think twice he said, "Have you been to his house?"

Matt and Shiro stroll in at this point and Matt questions, "Been to whose house?"

Pidge scrambles to sit right and sends a glare towards Keith but answers, "James Griffin, we were assigned a project together. And no, so far we've worked at school or the library. But he wanted to come by so we could test a few things out."

Keith frowned, and Lance jumps in, "Dude invite him. What are you embarrassed by us? I mean maybe Keith but-"

"Fuck you Lance." Keith threw a pillow at him hitting Lance square in the face.

Shiro laughed, "Okay guys, calm down no violence today."

Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Matt turns and heads back towards the door, looking out, and yells "So this guy must no listen too well. Cuz if he's a medium height with brown hair and a decent build, with a rocket-he's at our door."

Pidge groans, "I told him I was busy, for fucks sake."

Matt in the meantime has opened the door. Griffin walk in and looks around, "Oh hey, you have company, sorry."

Lance interjects, "Well my girl did say she was busy. Did ya think she was lying?"

James looks slightly flustered but replied, "No, sorry, I was out running errands but I knew you lived out here and, I um. The rain stopped and I thought we should try out our first rocket. It shouldn't take long." He was standing awkwardly in the doorway meeting Pidge's gaze head on. "So what do you say?"

Keith didn't like this at all. He was staring at Griffin and trying not to remember how the guy used to pick on him in elementary school. Always putting him down, always snitching on him for whatever it was he did wrong. Fist clenched he tried to relax but found he was getting lost in his own head. His heart rate was increasing as well as his breathing. He was even getting cold. FuCk!

Suddenly he felt warmth, starting on his hand, then his shoulder. Blinking he realized, Katie had put her hand on his fist and somehow Shiro had his hand on his shoulder. Relaxing slowly he tuned back into the conversation.

Pidge was saying they were going to have a My Hero Marathon and they could do it another time. But Keith didn't want her to be alone with the guy so impulsively he says, "No it's fine. We can all watch—I know Hunk likes rockets and mechanics right?"

He looks over to Hunk hoping for an affirmative answer. Please.

Hunk looks surprised to be at the focus of the conversation but nods, "Yeah sure thing. Let's see what you guys got."

Relaxing everyone moves to go out back but Katie asks him for some help putting things away. Alone she turns and says, "You good? What's the deal with you and James? You looked awfully tense."

Keith debates his answer and goes with a half truth. "Back in grammar school, he was kinda a prick. I don't like him but if I could give you feedback on your rocket I'd like to help."

Katie stares at him, arching a brow but he doesn't bend. She sighs, "I know that's not all of it but okay."

Hours later...

James has left and once again Keith is helping Katie clean up. He's taking out the trash with her when he decides he needs to just jump in. Turning to her he says, "Katie, even though I don't like Griffin it's more than my past. I don't want him to be close to you. I hate the idea that I didn't know you guys were partners or even together. I've liked you for months. Maybe longer if I'm being honest. But, I don't want to ruin us. But now, I also don't want you to date someone else. Shit."

Blinking, Pidge just stares at Keith. "Seriously? Do you know how many girls chase you? Do you know how scared I am that one would catch you? And you liked me!!! Dude!"

She grabs Keith by his shirt front and yanks him close, "And since when do you call me Katie?"

Keith knows he's blushing but leaning closer, "I call you Pidge cuz that's what we all call you. But, in my head," he closes his eyes because he's losing focus being this close to her and lowers his voice, "in my head you've been Katie, mine." Leaning down his kisses her and when she pulls him closer, he can feel himself truly be happy...even if he's now standing in a puddle.

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