Days 22-30

170 9 67

Sorry, I'be been dealing with some health issues, and work has been a trial...hope you enjoy!!

22. Vacation

Since they hiked yesterday Keith knew Pidge would be tired. He decided to plan a day off for them. They checked into a nicer hotel today and he let her sleep in.

In the room that they shared. Keith smirked. He was super pleased with himself for that miracle. He really thought she was going to force two rooms but when he mentioned that if they shared a room they could stay at a nicer hotel, do laundry for free and eat at a steakhouse...well she changed her tune right away. They got in a little late so they went to dinner, chilled and watched some tv. It was great that they loved the same type of shows. Ghost hunters kept them up late but they did have separate beds.

It was nice though because when they watched tv they made some popcorn in the microwave so they shared the bed. Keith couldn't help but think how perfectly they balanced. Keith had recently added Aikido  to his training, which focused more on precise movement, balance and body control. He felt like with Pidge, it was like an embodiment of that philosophy. They balanced each other's strengths and weaknesses perfectly. Eventually they separated to sleep but Keith was enjoying their solo vacation. This much quality time together really illustrated for him why he was always so drawn to her. As always his instincts were spot on. They were perfect for each other.

The next morning he went for a run and then hit the crappy gym they had. By the time he got back to the room, it was almost noon. He contemplated waking her up but ultimately decided against it. Instead he showered and as he was grabbing the notepad to write a note he saw her moving. He decided to walk over to the bed, sitting carefully he laid a hand on her back. "Pidge, I'm going to go down and eat breakfast with that coupon they gave us. You don't have to wake up yet."

A bit later...

Keith was sitting at the free continental breakfast when another couple sat at the table right next to him. He ignored them until a female voice interrupted.

"Excuse me, are you eating alone? Would you like a little company?"

Keith didn't even look up from the map he was reading. Sadly they didn't let up and they kept trying to get him to talk. He tried to keep ignoring them but then the woman moved over to his table. Keith frowned and finally looked up, "Excuse me but my friend will be coming down soon."

"Ooohhhh, friend. I can be your friend cutie."

Suddenly a cup of juice was slammed aggressively on the table. Looking up he sees Katie.

"Who the hell is this?"

23. Grave digging

Keith is watching Pidge very carefully. Because if he isn't careful he has a feeling she'd happily dig a grave for him. It's not like he even did anything so he isn't sure how to fix this. He wanted to sneak a call to Shiro but he didn't want to leave her unattended at this point.

Breakfast was uncomfortable because that girl kept flirting with him (back from her own table of course) and while Pidge acted like it didn't matter...she was definitely crabby. The plan was to go to the pool and relax but well. They were at the pool but so far no relaxing was to be had because the other people were down here as well.

He and Pidge were in the pool and finally seeing her in the bathing suit, well it was almost too much to take. She had pulled her hair back in a haphazard pony tail, oversized sunglasses, and an adorable bathing suit. She had on a two piece black suit with red ties behind the neck and there were ties at her hips for the bottoms.  It wasn't even really revealing as the top was like a halter top but shorter and the bottoms looked like tiny shorts. In fact, he knew there were girls here in much skimpier swimwear. Yet Keith was having a hard time not blushing or keeping his eyes off her.

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