Kidgetober Day 3-Open

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Pidge hears from Veronica that Keith and some alien are tight. Okay, no problem. It was bound to happen right. It's not like he would ever like her or see her in a romantic light. So as uncomfortable as that makes her feel, she accepts it. Like any other problem she analyzes it and figures out a solution. She determines her best move is distance.

It's relatively easy to miss a phone call and just shoot off a short message. It's easy to be busy when he's actually back on Earth. Projects and work can take all her focus and she's good at burying her feelings In work. HONESTLY it's what she does.

That's why when a few months pass she realizes she's going to be okay. And maybe she should say yes when someone asks her out...after all James is a good guy. And for whatever reason he likes her. The real her too. He pays attention to her. Yet when Lance comes back on base ready to get back to work... she often partners with him. No big...or so she thinks.

A few months later...Lance is complaining to Keith.

"So, what's with this dude James? You know him right? From before?"

Keith doesn't reply right away, stopping his progress to the mess hall and takes a left to an empty room. Slowly asking, "What do you mean?"

"Well, he keeps sticking to Pidge and when we are partners he's well salty. I don't want to start anything but what the hell? I'm not giving up Pidge for him! She's mine first."

Keith frowns, immediately annoyed by Lance's word choice. He knows it doesn't mean what it sounds like but what the hell? And doesn't Griffin have his own team? He retorts, "Why does he want Pidge? You mean for work?"

Lance shrugs, "I dunno, I guess. But from what I gather from Hunk and Shiro, well, a lot of guys think if they hook up with her it will lead to great things. Some guys are looking at a career angle and that's crap. But, if I'm honest, I don't know him well enough. I just know that he's too...touchy with her, too comfortable. Again, I don't know what he thinks but fuck him. Pidge is always going to be my partner not his. I'm not just stepping aside for his preppy ass."

Keith nods but internally he is struggling to accept that James is or has been Pidge's partner. Fuck! Being someone's partner creates an Intimacy that he doesn't like some other guy having with her. And while he doesn't like James for old reasons-right now he actually hates the fact that he wants Pidge. It's like he can't swallow that information down. He stares at a calendar...thinking.

Another month later, Keith is back on Earth. He's switched roles and is now an ambassador for the Blades of Mamora on Earth. This is a long term assignment and Keith is focused. He's realizes that Pidge has missed a lot of his calls and he's starting to think this is purposeful. And he doesn't know what to do about it. He just knows that he misses her laugh, her rambling, her presence. Shiro keeps asking pointed questions that he knows he cannot keep avoiding. Especially since he lives with him again.

And then there's the Issue with Lance. Lance is digging in trying to annoy Griffin which is fine. But Keith is worried that Lance has certain ideas about Pidge. And at this point Keith has decided, he's not just going to wait in the background like usual. He's done with giving her time and he's done worrying about what other people will think.

So when a little later, everyone is at the base figuring out teams for their practice mission and team building exercises Keith makes sure he's on hand as a captain and takes Pidge. He's done being a nice guy. He's going after what he wants and he knows it's Katie Holt.

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