April 30 Fri Edelweiss-courage/devotion

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This was seriously the worse week ever and I just need to vent. If you don't have time, you don't have to read or reply...I just need to get it out there.

So, just got called into a dept meeting and was told..everyone in our department needed to reapply for their jobs. What a crappy ending to a really tough school year!!! I'm trying to be positive but I'm super aggravated and can't believe this! Thanks for listening!!!

Keith is running as fast as he can. Fucking assholes. 10:1 odds. He was handling it but they just kept coming and getting back up. Eventually he'd get tired. So his hope is that he can lose a few on the run and then make his stand again. As he ran he slowed and looked back occasionally, maybe a mile then it should be more even.

He knew there was a pasture and barn that would hide them from the road. He'd fight there. He just needed to keep them on the hook. Ugh, he really hated having to slow down so they'd catch up. Finally the reached the barn...as the guys ran past the barn the turned right into a grinning Keith.

"Let's go!"

Keith swung his fist making contact with the first guys chin. He was holding his own and enjoying the fight when someone pulled a knife, which was when Keith pulled out his. Unfortunately someone else had a weapon and Keith was back on the defense. But with better odds he figures he cans till win.

Suddenly he hears a voice comment, "You cowards, let's make this a little more fair."

Then a tiny whirlwind jumps from the hayloft landing conveniently on one of his attackers. Then a little dog starts yipping and chasing another boy. In the resulting chaos, Keith was able to finally get the upper hand and his opponents decided to run.

Out of breath and sweaty he turned to the tiny fellow...only to realize it was a girl! He had started out saying hi but ended in a cough. The girl however paid him no mind.

"Hi, looks like you can really fight. Thank goodness, I had no idea how we were going to help you." Kneeling down she rubbed her dog, "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? You are Bae Bae." She gave him cuddles and rubs. Looking up she brazenly reached over and grabbed his hand pulling it. "This is Bae Bae. Don't ask, my brother named him. And you are?"

Keith blinked, "Oh, um Keith, Kogane. I had a plan-"

"Not a good one but then again me neither. No worries it worked out."

Hearing a door slam, Keith looked up at the barn to see the loft door slam into the wall. Seeing some white flower he muttered, "That's new."

The girl looked up nodding, "Yeah I decided a red barn was just to ordinary. So I decided to paint an edelweiss. I know everyone thinks it is Austrian or Switzerland but Italy also has it and being found in the mountains, it symbolizes courage and devotion. I mean, if a guy is going to climb a mountain to give you a flower...well you must be special right?"

Keith blinked. Whoa, she looked super cue all lecturey...shit she's staring at me. "Um, yeah special."

She grinned and stood, "Okay, well later dude."

Three years later, Keith's in the park throwing a frisbee to his dog, Cosmo. When suddenly his buddy takes a flying leap and knocks down a girl. SHIT!

Running over, he's ready to apologize. He offers his hand and pulls the girl up only to stare into a pair of hazel eyes that seem very familiar. Green with an outer black rim and a warm copper center. A laugh that made his gut clench. And a laugh that made is dog wag his tale and try to crawl into her lap.

"So we meet again! Small world."

Keith nods, "Yeah so this time no escaping without giving me YOUR name."

1 year Later

Keith is beyond nervous. He and Katie have not been dating too long but he knows, in his gut that this is it for him. He loves her intelligence, her sarcasm, hell he doesn't even mind that his dog likes her more than him. He takes a deep breath, the door opens. He places a single edelweiss flower in her hand.

"It's edelweiss...you know what that means. And maybe I didn't climb a mountain but these suckers are hard to find!"

Katie looks at the flower, sniffing delicately. "Yeah, I know." Then she grabs his shirt and kisses him soundly. Devotion.

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