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Hi all, feeling a little down, so hence the story...

Pidge is sitting in the bar, feeling lonely. Keith is busy talking and catching up with the Blades. Which is great, all good. But then there's her. Sitting at the bar, alone and nursing some stupid IPA that was supposed to be great but she hated. I mean she was sitting with Keith at the table initially but as more Blades showed up...on their one freaking date night of the month, well, she just kept drifting and getting shuffled. Until she was here, at the bar alone while Keith and the Blades were enjoying some after dinner dessert.

And the worse part was, he didn't even notice.

Pidge sighs, looking at him sitting with his old friends, she shouldn't be feeling like this. She gets to see him all the time. But still, at home it's different when you have kids who demand your time, energy and attention. This, well, she thought, this would be their time to reconnect as Keith and Katie, lovers not parents. Instead, she's nursing a beer and feeling sad.

The worse part is that, she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want to interrupt but she also has nothing to add to the conversation and it's not like she's the type to just mingle or join a group. Right now she's suffering from massive flashbacks from junior high dances.

Looking at her watch, maybe she should just head back. Keith can stay and have fun and she can just go crawl in bed, where one kid is guaranteed to crawl into bed with her. She can count on that! She can walk back and maybe shoot him a text when she gets home. Finishing her beer, she slides some money over and with a quick glance makes her way to the bathroom.

As she is washing her hands, she looks up at her reflection, honestly looking at herself. Obviously she hasn't grown but she has gained some weight especially after her third, Finn. Which she felt okay with, until she noticed how Acxa looked amazing. Granted she hasn't had any kits, but still she looks just as amazing as she did ten years ago. And here she is, with an extra ten pounds and soft middle. She has gotten better with some light make up and she thinks the outfit is cute but definitely mom-ish, which is FINE! She's a mom so whatever.

Why is she feeling so down on herself. She thought she looked cute before they left the house but now...yeah not so much. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she could feel tears well in her eyes and she abruptly marches towards the door and out the back. She's gotta get out of here.


As she marches home she sees some light from the park, beckoning her. She impulsively decides to take a quick detour to sit on the concrete edge of the fountain. The water pouring down the nymph statue relaxes her, as does the breeze rustling through the leaves of the trees. She pulls up her dress a bit so she can sit criss cross on the edge of the foundation and just center. She can't go home all upset because Matt will surely notice. So she'll just take bit to calm down so she can get home and not raise any flags.

Patience, breathe, center. Patience always yields focus. Just need some time.

Deep breaths, and finally she can feel some of the stress fade.

Suddenly someone touches her and she reacts.


"OWWW, Pidge what the hell?"

Pidge looks up and sees Lance. "OMG! What the fuck dude you don't know how to say hi?"

She stares at Lance and he sits next to her, pulling her close, "Honey, you were crying and I did say your name. What's going on? Why are you alone?"

Reaching up to touch her face, she realizes her cheeks are wet. "Oh. I'm okay, sorry for hitting you, I guess."

Lance smiles and kisses her forehead. "Gotta work on those apologies, anyways I thought tonight was date night? I was just walking home from Hunk's when I thought I saw you...alone."

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